Example sentences of "what [pers pn] 'd done to " in BNC.

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1 She did n't ask what I 'd done to my hair .
2 That night I watched television and did some paperwork , amending the maps to include the newly named Black Destroyer Hill , writing a brief description of what I 'd done to the rabbits and logging both the effects of the bombs that I 'd used and the manufacture of the latest batch .
3 well they were always against me , well Bill was during the war , what I 'd done to them , finished all the decorating , put shelves up , go on the slate to put his aerial up , he would n't go up , I had to climb out my bedroom window onto the gutter and its a wonder I did n't kill myself then , put his aerial up and
4 He also told her about what she 'd done to his balls .
5 There were other acts by then like Morecambe and Wise and they were doing to us what we 'd done to others in our time .
6 And Phil Oakey must have eaten his own fringe when he heard what they 'd done to his malevolently provincial classic ‘ Do n't You Want Me ’ .
7 But he did n't want to go to the bloody thing , not after what they 'd done to the poor old man .
8 Mr Stokle says he felt like killing the culprits when he first saw what they 'd done to Mrs Leyshon .
9 So I told him things I 'd never told anyone — how much I resented Dad for what he 'd done to Mum , and how Mum had suffered , how painful the whole thing had been , though I was only now beginning to feel it .
10 My arms ached to go round him , but I kept them rigidly at my sides for a long time , punishing him for what he 'd done to me earlier .
11 We all imagined he had some secret new money-spinning idea and soon we 'd all be amazed at what he 'd done to the place , and coming here to marvel at the crowds he 'd managed to attract … but I do n't think he was ever looking for a site for some viable business venture ; I think he was just looking for somewhere suited to his burned-out , fed-up , pissed-off mood .
12 I assumed at the time that he was crying for the garden and what he 'd done to it .
13 No matter what he 'd done to her , her feelings for him had n't changed .
14 Angy had been stabbed in the throat and that 's exactly what he 'd done to her portrait … he was afraid that would all come out and everyone would think he 'd done it . ’
15 I wanted to kill Blyth there and then ; the hiding he got from his father , my dad 's brother James , was not enough as far as I was concerned , not for what he 'd done to Eric , my brother .
16 ‘ No , I saw the bruise when he came back to the shop on Tuesday evening and I asked him what he 'd done to himself .
17 now I 've got two little girls he said I hate to turn away knowing what he 'd done to the last little girl
18 and what he 'd done to this pillow was no one 's business .
19 Er , summat had ran into back of bus , I do n't know what it 'd done to , whatever behind us but it did n't hurt bus .
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