Example sentences of "there be [det] room for " in BNC.

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1 You could say there 's some room for rationalisation , ’ says Nissan 's British importer .
2 Would be regarded as unreasonable , there 'll be no question of that being enforced , but er , clearly where the thing 's left open there , there 's some room for manoeuvre in negotiation eventually and settlement if need be before the courts .
3 Now there 's less room for thought and for feeling , and it seems a great tiredness is good for keeping people steady .
4 With SABRE we can monitor more clearly and precisely and there 's less room for error .
5 Whatever sort you have , make sure there 's enough room for your feet without compressing any of the filling within the bag .
6 When looking at a bag with this design make sure there 's enough room for your feet without compressing the filling .
7 The system bx is metal throughout and there 's enough room for expansion .
8 In many respects they may appear somewhat crude and certainly there is much room for improvement , particularly in the areas of whole embryo culture and precise manipulations of the embryo , both in vitro and in vivo .
9 Since any argument that is not purely academic is about how the future is to happen then there is much room for subjectivity , both about how we think the future will happen and about how we should like it to happen .
10 There is much room for improvement and development in online catalogues and librarians have an essential role to play in that development .
11 Despite the Government 's recently proclaimed intention of regenerating the inner cities , there is little room for optimism .
12 In fact , the advice was almost certainly correct and , in any case , there is little room for doubt that if Elizabeth 's inheritance was revolutionary , it enjoyed immediate acquiescence and has manifestly been effective .
13 There is little room for poetry — a product of the despised Fancy — in all this ; yet Wordsworth was in the Locke tradition when he rejected the ‘ gaudy and inane phraseology ’ of the Fancy and devoted a long poem to the description of how Nature ( in Locke 's sense of the whole external world rather than simply mountains and lakes ) formed his mental character .
14 There is little room for accommodation .
15 But there is little room for a comprehensive view , though it gives the generalists a basis for comparisons which may not be at first apparent .
16 As Kessler et al ( 1985 ) point out , school curricula often exaggerate the clear-cut distinction between right and wrong , relevant and irrelevant ; there is little room for ambiguity , multiple layering of truths or open-ended explorations .
17 In traditional societies , on the other hand , there is little room for individual decision making in these matters ; the proper ways are prescribed by cultural norms , customs and relevant behavioural patterns that are sanctioned by tradition .
18 A bacterium has a smaller information capacity than a human cell , by a factor of about 1,000 , and it probably uses nearly all of it : there is little room for parasites .
19 When there is little room for flexibility , there is always the possibility of compromise .
20 Pressure for places from parishioners means there is little room for other children with only 16 of the 213 pupils coming from non-Catholic homes .
21 In Belgium it has been argued that there is so much social and labour legislation that there is less room for collective bargaining .
22 By putting an emphasis on these complex carbohydrates , there is less room for the fatty and sugary foods which can lead to weight problems , and which push valuable nutrient-rich foods out of the diet .
23 Second , there is a tendency to opt for dreams rather than direct manifestations or visions when there is any room for doubt in the text of the Gospel .
24 However , in deference to the arguments addressed to the court I should consider the question as to whether there is any room for the implication of any duty upon the board of Lautro to hear anyone .
25 Negotiation is used in situations where there is some room for manoeuvre .
26 I think there is some room for suggesting that , erm , in certain circumstances , the actual perpetrator of the crime , could make retribution to the victim .
27 With Neville Duke as President and former Spitfire pilot Nick Berryman as Chairman and stalwart support from the Trustees prospects are good , although there is more room for volunteers , especially those who have skills to help in aircraft restoration .
28 Theoretical understanding is necessary but in a series entitled ‘ Practical Social Work ’ there is more room for concrete examples of what constitutes both bad and good practice .
29 But readers may wish to be aware that there is more room for dispute than our sketch suggests .
30 Lead times , even for writers on national dailies , are longer in this area and there is more room for lengthier explanations provided they are relevant to the recipient 's speciality .
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