Example sentences of "there be [adv] [adj] evidence " in BNC.

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1 Could there be more telling evidence of the king 's authority vis-á-vis the pope ?
2 If there were not this evidence that at this point he is only hazily in command of what he is doing , we might ask — though to no purpose , I think — whether Eleanor 's fiddling of her uncle into the see of Canterbury is presented to us for our approval , or the reverse .
3 Sales were up by nineteen percent and there 's also firm evidence in these results of margin improvements which reflect , for the first time , the full benefit of our cost cutting measures taken over the last three years .
4 er partly and there 's also some evidence that they do n't trust others to carry without them .
5 ‘ I agree there 's probably enough evidence to pull her in .
6 I mean , there 's not enough evidence there , surely ? ’
7 Seventeen adults were arrested in connection with the allegations , but Greater Manchester Police have announced there 's not enough evidence to bring criminal charges .
8 Thus far there 's very little evidence that employers are taking this on board .
9 Some managers are convinced that PRP will improve performance and raise income , but there 's hardly any evidence that it produces any improvements .
10 Staphylococci have some degree of resistance to killing by phagocytes and yo you should recall that phagocytes er , one of the mechanisms by which phagocytes kill intercellular organisms is the production of reactive oxygen intermediates and catalase is one of the ways that these can detoxified and th there 's fairly good evidence that the catalase enzyme enables er , staph orius to persist .
11 In addition to the non-literary sources cited above , there is rather strong evidence in Shakespeare and Marlowe — especially in puns of the type air , heir , hair — that [ h ] -dropping was salient in the speech community : clearly , the puns could not have worked if the ‘ groundlings ’ had not recognized them ( see , for example , Comedy of Errors , III.ii.122–3 ; Dido and Aeneas , I.i.10 ) .
12 Some will also have provided a range of facilities for those officials and private individuals travelling along the highways , which would have been an important element in those small towns which housed a mansio or , to a lesser extent , a mutatio , though there is surprisingly little evidence to demonstrate this .
13 There is even some evidence from the tracks they have left behind that Diplodocus and its allies moved about in herds .
14 I am not implying that there is communication between friends on a supernormal , still less a supernatural , plane , though I would not exclude it : there is just enough evidence for telepathy to explain certain experiences that most of us have had , or are convinced that we have had , once or twice .
15 Still , it is far from unlikely that both Swegen and Cnut did have relations with the Scandinavian colonies in Ireland , and there is just enough evidence to suggest that when the Encomiast named among the latter 's dominions not only England , Denmark and Norway , but also Brittania and Scothia , he was not necessarily exaggerating .
16 There is also little evidence to show that farmers welcome an opportunity to become glorified park wardens or landscape gardeners — nor , indeed , have they the necessary skills to do so .
17 At least , this was the opinion of Dugdale , writing a hundred years later ; but it should be remembered that he was one of a long line of propagandists for land drainage , and that , while localized deterioration must have taken place , there is also ample evidence of the activities of the courts of sewers and of individual enterprise by secular landlords .
18 There is also textual evidence to support this view .
19 There is also strong evidence that we should increase the proportion of mono-unsaturated fats , as these have been shown to raise the level of HDL cholesterol ( see Heart Disease — the risks ) in the blood .
20 Leaving the technology issue to one side , there is also scant evidence in the local population of commercial aptitude at the level required .
21 There is also much evidence of various ideological representations and transformations of earlier oral social forms , as in songs , ballads , tales and confessions .
22 There is also much evidence from a variety of sources that the labouring poor moved a great deal in search of employment , if usually not over very great distances .
23 As always , there is also contradictory evidence and indeed theory .
24 There is also experimental evidence implicating γ-interferon in the epithelial manifestations of immunologically mediated eneteropathy , while coeliac disease is associated with the presence of increased numbers of activated T lymphocytes .
25 Not only is there no suggestion in the biographical sources or in documents that Fahreddin Acemi ever held a kadilik , but there is also positive evidence that for long periods in his Muftilik he could not have been kadi of Edirne , at least , since someone else was .
26 There is also clear evidence that the republicans were not actually in control of NICRA in the period up to and including the 5 October march .
27 Nevertheless , these data might suggest that a golden age of housing had arrived , but there is also clear evidence of substantial housing stress in Britain in the mid-1980s .
28 There is also considerable evidence ( as marshalled by Ingram 1975 ) to suggest that up to the age of six years it is mainly short , simple but still hierarchically structured sentences that the child is able to produce .
29 There is also considerable evidence of unmet support needs among disabled black and Asian people of all ages ( Greater London Association of Disabled People , 1987 ; Ahmad , 1988 ) .
30 There is also considerable evidence that even people entitled to , for instance , free glasses , must still contribute significant amounts to the cost , because the value of the benefit has not kept up with the cost of glasses .
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