Example sentences of "there [vb mod] be a sufficient " in BNC.

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1 For copying to be proved , the test is as follows : a ) there must be a sufficient objective similarity between the two works ( an objective issue — that is , would the " reasonable man " consider the two works sufficiently similar ) , and b ) there must also be some causal connection between the two works ( a subjective question but not to be presumed as a matter of law merely upon proof of access ) .
2 It is clear , however , that there must be a sufficient inventive step and merely taking two older inventions and sticking them together will not necessarily be regarded as an inventive step .
3 Thus , there should be a sufficient threat if , in the circumstances known to the accused , the threat might ( 1 ) influence the mind of an ordinary person of normal stability and courage ( whether or not it in fact influences the person addressed ) , or ( 2 ) influence the mind of the person addressed , though it would not influence an ordinary person .
4 The SIB says that there should be a sufficient range of participants on a market to bring adequate opposing forces of supply and demand to that market .
5 There should be a sufficient range of participants , and rules and procedures that lay down how trades are executed .
6 He added that there might be a sufficient pool of volunteers to act as a new breed of ‘ civil justices ’ .
7 The question is whether there would be a sufficient merging of interest between , for instance , the anti-American stance of the French , the Central European posture of the Germans , the Mediterranean outlook of the Greeks and the mercantile perspective of the British for there to be a cohesive common position sufficient to enable the Parliament to hold the executive bodies accountable .
8 For example , in December 1938 Ben Smith , MP , wrote to the Board of Education warning that on the evidence of the evacuation rehearsals of September 1938 there would be a sufficient number of ill-clad or poorly-shod children to hinder the successful operation of the scheme ; but in reply the President of the Board of Education , Earl de la Warr , blandly denied that this would be so .
9 Pass by any inner-city CAB five minutes before opening time and there will be a sufficient crowd of people waiting to occupy the advice workers for a half-day session .
10 The marketer may well expect that there will be a sufficient number of people who conform to these stereotypes to make this course of action viable .
11 There will be a sufficient number of guns to ensure your attack 's a success .
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