Example sentences of "all [prep] the rest of " in BNC.

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1 He fumbled back to his position to the right of the screen and somehow Busacher got them all through the rest of the act .
2 Everyone knows the sparkling overture , but you can find out all about the rest of the opera , which brilliantly balances laughter and tears , at an informal Open Forum on Saturday 25 April 1992 , 2.30pm – 4.30pm in the Grand Hall of Leeds Grand Theatre .
3 But it 's all for the rest of my life , an important fact for me , and to say , OK , I do n't need it any more , it has to be a very strong and bad change inside Kirov , I will be so upset or so unoptimistic or so helpless that I will feel I can not do anything more .
4 If a part-timer earns above the limit ( £52 per week for 1991/2 ) on any one day , s/he receives no benefit at all for the rest of the week .
5 Patricia Branca has reminded us that in the Victorian household where the man earned between £100 and £300 a year , an income range which excluded the highly skilled manual worker and included as many as 42 per cent of the middle class , there was only enough money available for the employment of one or at most two domestic servants and very little at all for the rest of the ‘ paraphernalia of gentility ’ desired by the aspiring middle class household .
6 I did n't plan to deviate from it at all for the rest of my speech anyway .
7 As for the East , it is a curiosity that Egypt , from which almost all of the rest of the evidence emanates , seems to have had a preference for using a joint clause of damnatio and fideicommissum .
8 Indeed it might have-in a different situation where some or all of the rest of the causal circumstance for e was missing .
9 All of the rest of the day to day gubbins is front mounted — the control panel and a large font cartridge slot complete the picture here , while the power on/off switch is neatly recessed towards the rear on the left hand side .
10 Not just for our members in the coal industry and their communities , not just for our members in the coal-fired power stations , not just for all of the rest of our membership whose industries depend on a secure supply of cheap energy , but for our children and the generations to come after us , whose very prosperity will depend heavily on our success in that campaign .
11 and Newsbeat dinner piece and I expect you did as well , erm but you know , she was , she was talking about contacts and things like Good Morning Scotland and all of the rest of it and I do n't think any of that kind of happened
12 ‘ Oh , yes , ’ she replied , and because she had almost added that she had been going to travel with her sister — which would surely then have led to her boring him out of his skull with all of the rest of it , ‘ All alone , ’ she added with feigned cheerfulness .
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