Example sentences of "if he wanted [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He pulled me to my feet , and flung his arms around me and squeezed me as if he wanted to gather me right into himself , never let me go , and we stayed like that for a long time , not speaking , rocking to and fro .
2 The painter told Marama that if he wanted to live he must go to Rarotonga and receive treatment .
3 Lightning flared and flickered beyond the shattered windows and Rohmer took another step forwards , as if he wanted to join it .
4 It was as if he wanted to destroy her in some way .
5 But there might come a time , there was no denying it , when he might have had enough , and then if he wanted to move it would have to be up .
6 If he wanted to claim her , she was his .
7 He did n't think this world would last for ever and if he wanted to leave he should leave .
8 Of course , where Dorothy was concerned , that was his only strategy if he wanted to secure her in the end .
9 Mr Gray said a new attitude would be needed from Mr Lang if he wanted to fulfil his recently stated aim to have a new and better relationship with local government .
10 If he wanted to meet her , he would .
11 He rewarded me with a puzzled smile , as if he wanted to show he did not quite believe me , then with a kiss from sun-blistered lips , dry and firm .
12 Stephen Gill , 19 , a tyre-exhaust fitter , told the court he was injected by the accused in the tyre depot office on Hogmanay after he had been asked if he wanted to try it .
13 I have to say , if he wanted to make me mad , he was one hundred per cent successful .
14 Wright 's spot kick was so hurried it was as if he wanted to get it over and done with while no one was looking .
15 If they were stopped by the police and her basket was searched , he was to say that he knew nothing about the newspapers — she made him agree to this arrangement if he wanted to accompany her on her clandestine journeys .
16 Claudia twisted away from him , conscious that if he wanted to keep her close to him she had n't a chance .
17 I enquired if he had volunteered for Pathfinders , to which he replied that he had thought about it , I told him if he wanted to come he could join my squadron .
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