Example sentences of "if it is accepted [that] " in BNC.

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1 Even if it is accepted that there is now overwhelming evidence that we possess a body clock , it will appear to have little use .
2 However , even if it is accepted that IIAs are marginal to the prospects of urban economic development and employment creation , it seems evident that some approaches to industrial improvement are more successful than others .
3 If it is accepted that general management is still gathering momentum , more may yet be to come .
4 If it is accepted that these moves are taking place , and there seems little doubt that they are , the question remains as to what significance they have , and what they imply .
5 This thought can be entertained only if it is accepted that the universe is eternal and timeless , and the theory of a once only chance association of circumstances causing life , be abandoned .
6 Less obvious is the misguided logic it offers , for , if it is accepted that blacks have the natural ability and talent to do well in sports , then it can do no harm to encourage their participation in sport .
7 However , even if it is accepted that treaties do not perform a single function and should not all be subject to the same rules , there remains the threshold question of how treaties are best conceptualised and categorised .
8 Second , if it is accepted that the organisations in question were operating in highly competitive markets , then their ability to win orders did necessitate an ability to adjust their manpower levels upwards and downwards and to hold labour costs to a minimum .
9 If it is accepted that we are in possession of logically adequate criteria of particular-identification , I do not see how one could deny that such criteria are ever fulfilled ; for how else would we know that they are indeed adequate ?
10 Even if all this is granted , even if it is accepted that higher education and with it the roles of teacher and student are in principle separate from the world of research , the sceptic still has one final card to play .
11 If it is accepted that the office has become the most common working environment for the majority of the population then it seems increasingly important that those involved in the design , construction and maintenance of them have an understanding of modern management techniques and their implications for employee efficiency .
12 If it is accepted that successful formative attempts can contribute to the summative assessment , the actual number of formal assessments could be substantially reduced .
13 If it is accepted that there is a role , though admittedly limited , for managing gall stone disease by preservation of the gall bladder , should the rotary lithotrite be the method of choice ?
14 This may be convenient for overnight/weekend operation if it is accepted that the duration time is not critical .
15 One way to connect the segments of the distribution is to argue , for example like Fuchs ( 1965 ) , that a moving poverty line be created if it is accepted that no one should fall below , say , 50 per cent of the mean or median income .
16 If it is accepted that what motivates interest in redistributive impacts is a desire to be ‘ fair ’ , then the studies that are carried out using current measures of economic status may often by misleading .
17 Even if it is accepted that a substantial proportion of any given unemployment rate is Keynesian in origin , Euro-pessimists fear that any expansion of demand to reduce such unemployment will hit up against supply-side constraints .
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