Example sentences of "can not [be] regarded [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A gesture can not be regarded as the expression of an individual , as his or her creation ( because no individual is capable of creating a fully original gesture , belonging to nobody else ) , nor can it even be regarded as that person 's instrument ; on the contrary , it is gestures that use us as their instruments , as their bearers and incarnations .
2 But the twists and turns of Currie 's political career are simply a graphic illustration of the fact the SDLP can not be regarded as the Labour Party in Northern Ireland .
3 The evidence of three recent controlled studies indicates that clients with bulimia nervosa can benefit to a similar degree from treatments which can not be regarded as forms of Cognitive–Behaviour Therapy ( Fairburn and Cooper , 1989 ) .
4 ‘ UDCs can not be regarded as a success if buildings and land are regenerated but the local community are by-passed and do not benefit from regeneration ’ .
5 The company has informed your two banks , where you have substantial overdrafts , I understand , that your employment with us has ceased , and we can not be regarded as guarantors .
6 This remark emphasizes again the point previously made that moral considerations , which can not be regarded as principles in the Kantian sense , are involved in situations of moral dilemma or in what Winch calls ‘ ‘ the perspective' ’ of the action' .
7 Although certain details of the painting do coincide almost exactly with features of other works by Neroccio , the work as a whole can not be regarded as a copy .
8 While failure to establish an effective Teachers ' Council supports the view that teaching can not be regarded as a profession , the establishment of such a Council would be fraught with administrative difficulties .
9 The empirical evidence suggests , however , that the supervision which institutional investors exercise over the management of a company is minimal and can not be regarded as a sufficient control over the managers of large public companies .
10 concluded , ‘ proposals for organic change can not be regarded as a limited change … it introduced a fundamental change within the existing structures of local government ’ ( Stewart et al .
11 One view is that successor States can not be regarded as third parties because of the continuing link between their territory and the treaty .
12 He argues that dreams can not be regarded as a neurotic symptom if everyone dreams — unless everyone is neurotic .
13 Whatever is claimed of these traditional philosophical mysteries , including the claim that they enter into mental events , they surely can not be regarded as parts of them .
14 The space-time co-ordinates can not be regarded as simple unstructured cues to interpretation in context .
15 Similarly , the other co-ordinates relevant to the deictic context , speaker , hearer and indicated object , can not be regarded as simple unstructured cues which demand standard specification .
16 Whatever properties are delineated as especially appropriate to material artefacts in general , these can not be regarded as necessary attributes of an individual artefact when considered in any particular social context .
17 The range of quality from very good to squalid is of significance , because at one end of the range many authorities view mobile homes as being more or less equivalent to permanent dwellings , while some of the poorer , less well serviced , caravans can not be regarded as permanent homes .
18 The problem of induction can not be regarded as a decisive refutation because , as I have previously mentioned , most other philosophies of science suffer from a similar difficulty .
19 The respondents in the survey can not be regarded as representative of the general population as these areas contained only 58 per cent .
20 With regard to " temporality " ( in the sense in which this concept was used above ) , this can not be regarded as a sufficient condition of particularity so long as it is not shown that temporality alone ( in the indicated sense ) ensures numerical identity of particulars ; and if we are to be able to justifiably claim that it is a necessary condition of particularity , we must first show that there can be no extra-temporal particulars . "
21 Expressed differently , if a thing exists genuinely in se ( i.e. if it is a true substance ) , then a description of its defining features can not involve references to anything outside that thing ; by the same token , if what purports to be a description of a substance involves references to different substances , then it can not be regarded as a genuine description of any substance .
22 This can not be regarded as good practice .
23 It can not be regarded as a matter of indifference whether the unfilled portions of the world shall be peopled by Eastern races , by negroes , by Slavonic or other Eastern European peoples , by the Latin races , or by the races of Northern Europe .
24 And just as the Spirit can not be equated with any property in man , equally it can not be regarded as the stuff of which the world is made , the comprehensive life principle which integrates the universe , as the Stoics maintained — a view which , through pagan philosophical influence , crept into the inter-testamental books of the Apocrypha .
25 However , planetary chemistry is sufficiently complicated that this can not be regarded as a firm conclusion .
26 And yet the Euripidean spirit can not be regarded as the ultimate cause of tragedy 's downfall .
27 This is required where the client can not be regarded as a corporate finance client or where a mainstream regulated service ( ie stand alone general ( ie non-specific ) investment advice or investment service ) is provided .
28 If a client can not be regarded as a corporate finance client it does not mean that we can not act on his behalf .
29 If this definition is applied when reviewing surveillance studies the result is that cancers found earlier than eight years from onset or found in left sided colitis or a cancer found at colonoscopy performed for any reason other than surveillance ( such as rectal bleeding ) , can not be regarded as a success .
30 The only character in the tale who can not be regarded as the target figure in any way is Alison , the woman , who sails through " " upright " " , laughing and unscathed .
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