Example sentences of "would have thought that the " in BNC.

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1 You 'd have thought that the enormous Ballroom was on fire .
2 You know you want to know and I would 've thought that the higher the management the more they want to know the implications , the financial of it of any plan which you 're going into .
3 Who would have thought that the Oakland As , celebrated by Mr Will and thought to be a collection of giants , would have been blown away in the World Series by a bunch of journeymen from Cincinnati ?
4 One would have thought that the Incas might have invented a llama cart , given other ingenuities that they displayed .
5 Who would have thought that the tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written could be encapsulated in a microchip ?
6 Unless you happen to have a racetrack in your back gardens , I would have thought that the sheer frustration of never really being able to stretch a car like this is one of the main drawbacks to owning one .
7 Who would have thought that the pattern would break ?
8 Who would have thought that the dapper VIC REEVES and the delicate DANNII MINOGUE would shop on the same sartorial street ?
9 Come to think of it , who would have thought that the expanding , spruced-up pop campaign would start with a band from Holland ?
10 Who would have thought that the terribly modern Carter would end up having a crack at the Christmas Number One with a song written in the 1950s and once covered by Elvis Presley ?
11 One would have thought that the principle of people living in glass houses not throwing stones would have warned Ivan off a career as a journalist , gossip , and so-called satirist , but it did not seem to occur to him that he was asking for trouble of a kind that she knew would cause him the most intimate anguish : but in fact , so appalling were Ivan 's features and physique that comment on them was rare , even his worst enemies ( and he had hundreds ) not considering them fair game .
12 You would have thought that the natural reaction of the teacher would have been that we ought to contact the father — better him than the nutty grandmother .
13 Who would have thought that the Coca-Cola bottle in your fridge today could turn into a fibre tomorrow to make carpet backing or filling for your anorak ? ’
14 Nobody expected anyone to get their leg broken but one would have thought that the top two teams in the country could have contributed more in terms of effort , flair and excitement .
15 I would have thought that the point of school-focused INSET is certainly for individual teachers and effects in the classrooms , but mainly for effects on whole school groups .
16 That is the way the planning system operates , erm and I would have thought that the Greater York experience , erm does perhaps suggest that there may be some look at erm on the question of the need for sub district guidance .
17 As one contemporary , writing at the end of William 's reign , put it , " One would have thought that the Distinction of Parties was quite worn out , when the Church had quitted the Doctrines of Passive Obedience and Non-resistance " , and had joined with the Whigs and Dissenters to call James to account for his maladministration and establish a liberty of conscience .
18 would have thought that the cow down the road had the same chance of getting to the one that he had .
19 One would have thought that the Great Depression years in the United States had provided a suitable testing ground for the efficacy of the real-balance effect , but , as Patinkin pointed out at an early stage in the development of the neoclassical synthesis , a large increase in real balances appeared to be accompanied by a large fall in output .
20 I would have thought that the opposite was the case .
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