Example sentences of "say [pers pn] 'd [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I say I 'd like a
2 Blaming it on the Company would be just a fallback — you would n't believe me if I said I was n't drinking of that but you might believe me if I say we 'd prefer the good old British way : that nothing happened and there 's no blame at all .
3 Yeah If you could hear what she say it 'd make a difference I expect I 'd of gone for another vowel there , it you 'd gone for E it of been
4 Well I still think that well say you have a big massive thing and , and say it 'd take a hundred people mm er I suppose the bigger it is the more economical it is .
5 I says I 'd like a rise .
6 just happened to mention in the night says I 'd like a white telly you know , go a bit more with , with the decor
7 He says I 'd like the university to look at the problems , not just the symptoms .
8 The man in charge of road mending says he 'd need a thirty per cent increase in funds to fill the hole in his budget
9 I would get a better , I 'm not saying I 'd get a better shine than that .
10 ‘ Speaking hypothetically , are you saying I 'd have a choice ? ’
11 Obviously it could be done ; I 'm just saying you 'd need a pretty controlled and sophisticated setup to achieve consistency and accuracy .
12 ODD ONE OUT : 1 All except Neil Kinnock were quoted as saying they 'd leave the country if Labour won the election .
13 It claims Michael Heseltine wrote two letters to SFV saying he 'd read the company 's brochure and because it did n't run package holidays there was no need for insurance .
14 I said I 'd prefer a man because women were a problem area for me and I was frightened I 'd push the therapist into a certain role by flirting with her if she was young and attractive , or feeling dependent on her if she was my mother 's age .
15 He might try you again , but I said I 'd pass the message along .
16 I said I 'd love a cup of tea , which was surprisingly true .
17 Morris tonner from Cripps and er I said I 'd buy the lorry off 'em if they 'd find me some work .
18 I said I 'd like a break , spend a week with aunty Mary or summat in that flat , driving me
19 I met Chapman on his way to the Zandvoort prize-giving and said I 'd take the job — basically to turn Lotus into an engine manufacturer — if it was still available .
20 I said I 'd keep the beans for
21 She said I 'd have a real good time here — playing sports and sleeping in the dorm with all the other boys .
22 Yeah , I said I 'd have a go and before I knew where I was I got got top billing .
23 I was full of threats and said I 'd get the right weapons to fight the marchioness , but it was a bluff .
24 ‘ And I was about to say I 'd like a glass of mineral water . ’
25 ‘ You said you 'd handle the tourist board and the airlines here in Palma . ’
26 ‘ But you said you 'd stay a week , ’ said Perdita in horror .
27 Just stick to your argument that the dealer said you 'd make a certain profit .
28 Right you you said you 'd prefer a white head rail did n't you ?
29 ‘ You said you 'd read a lot about them . ’
30 ‘ You said you 'd read an extract from Tweed 's file , detailing some of his techniques … ’
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