Example sentences of "will tell [pers pn] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well I 'll have to tell I 'll tell them that you 're head then young teachers and just go out and join a class of tutors .
2 And I 'll tell him that it was due to your kindness that I was able to bake his birthday cake . "
3 I 'll tell him that he ca n't build shops here . ’
4 I 'll tell him that he you wo n't be using your own car for work again !
5 ‘ You 're a big girl , now , Lyn , so I 'll tell you that you 're right .
6 But they they 'll tell you that you can still see where the house was because there 's a runcho grows there .
7 I 'd also like to say , Mr. Chairman , that er , I did n't recognise the hospital you said , where we did this operation , , erm , if you want to , see me afterwards , I 'll tell you that you take at the hospital .
8 I noticed Stuart has n't written up to say what he looks like , so I 'll tell you that he 's a cross between Paul Young and Griff Rhys-Jones .
9 If these claims fail , others who should be protecting her interests will tell her that she contributed to the situation by being in male territory .
10 Er first of all you will tell them that we want a contract .
11 You will tell him that it must be in secret and that it is very , very important .
12 And then everything in our area erm no They will send hundred mile area , our address to these people and they will tell us that they 'll send to these people so we then contact the people as well .
13 When it gets out of control , no matter how successful we are in the eyes of other people , in our heads that critical voice will tell us that we have failed .
14 Improve your mood and counteract stress : Ask anyone who exercises regularly and they will tell you that they always feel exhilarated at the end of a session — even if they had begun by feeling that they were not in the mood for exercise and had almost forced themselves to continue .
15 Anybody who has ever looked at sections of a rat 's brain and then at sections of a monkey 's brain will tell you that they look completely different .
16 I think he was conscious of a great deal probably , but at the same time many writers will tell you that they find when they 've finished a poem or a play things in it , demonstrably in it , systematically and intelligently present with real relations , which they do n't remember writing .
17 The competition will tell you that their product is fresh , takes advantage of advances in program writing and has a long development life ahead of it .
18 They are fools and liars and will tell you that everyone is entitled to his own opinion , except they will probably say ‘ his or her , ’ so that you do n't feel left out , being a young , firm , tanned and bouncy woman with a mind of fathomlessly inventive depravity , even if you do n't know it yet .
19 Most will tell you that you can never entirely trust a ‘ tame ’ leopard and some have the scars to prove it .
20 Ask anybody who is knowledgeable about computers and they will tell you that you should always choose the software you want to run first , then buy a computer which is suitable to run this .
21 And they will tell you that you do n't necessarily have to fish on the priciest beats to find good sport .
22 ANY golfer will tell you that you stand little chance of winning unless you keep a close eye on the scorecard .
23 ‘ Miss Abbott will tell you that I do n't even possess one of my own to entertain her in . ’
24 The garage foreman , appearing with your broken crankshaft or back axle , will tell you that it has ‘ crystallized ’ .
25 Older folk will tell you that it was ever thus ; that Irish rugby has always had to contend with the primacy of gaelic games .
26 Others will tell you that it showed cricket 's ability to absorb change , an ability it now has another chance to demonstrate .
27 A seasoned view of Howard 's Way or a Cowes spectator may always have nurtured the dream of sailing a dinghy or crewing a yacht , but any old sea salt worth their grinder will tell you that it 's essential to learn the ropes first from a qualified sailing instructor .
28 The index to the Continuation Volume for 1975 ( or to the Cumulative Supplement ) will tell you that it is in the 1975 volume ( vol. 45 ) under the heading ‘ Infants , Children and Young Persons , ’ page 669 .
29 If it makes you feel any happier , I will tell you that it did not cost me as much as a bouquet of flowers would have done .
30 Vivien Saunders , who founded the Women 's Tour in Britain , will tell you that it was always thus : ‘ In the early days we were advised by the PGA that ours should be a democratic organisation and that the players should have a voice .
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