Example sentences of "will need [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And if you 're going to use your stove in chilly conditions , you 'll need to pick a model which uses a fuel capable of coping with the cold .
2 For a really good view of it you 'll need to go a couple of miles to the north .
3 Oh I 'll wear this and me leggings do n't think we 'll need to take a dressing gown do you ?
4 ‘ You 'll need to take a couple of drivers with you .
5 You 'll need to take a bath tonight , wo n't you , my dear , so as to be clean as a new pin for tomorrow . ’
6 But in most situations , when you 'd be asking a colleague on the same staff to work with you , you 'll need to find a way of working that is not going to cause massive disruption to the school timetable , that 's not going to demand that the headteacher come and cover one of your classes while you 're busy with your investigation into the disappearance of the crew of the Marie Celeste .
7 This will necessitate turning off the water supply at the main stopcock , and opening all the cold taps to drain the cold water cistern ; then you 'll need to attach a hose-pipe to the draincock next to the hot water cylinder to drain this .
8 They can be installed by taking out one layer of bricks ( so you 'll have to cut through a wall — make sure it 's suitable ! ) ; or they can be installed in a corner , or in an alcove , with a surrounded flat fascia , in which case you 'll need to build a timber framework to support the niche and hold the fascia .
9 We 'll need to get a transplant in here .
10 Ducted hoods are best , because they vent steam , smells , heat and grease outside the house , but you 'll need to knock a hole in the wall .
11 I 'll need to make a telephone call to Mike …
12 If you are going to work for somebody else , then you 'll need to prepare a record of your abilities and experience .
13 I said , You 'll need to have a desk in there .
14 Well if you want them to stay pretty as opposed to going baggy then you 'll need to have a bit of lycra in the fabric .
15 ‘ I believe they will , but if not , we 'll need to have a rethink .
16 Once you begin to stray from easily measured routes and landmarks , you will need to acquire a pedometer .
17 Once you have rehearsed , you will need to record a demo , especially as many venues wo n't consider you for a gig unless they have heard you on tape .
18 When you use these numbers — you will need to use a credit card with Forte — your booking will be logged up as an AEA purchase . ’
19 Sometimes , despite this strategy , you will need to use a term which is not part of the conventional fabric of discourse in which you are working .
20 You will need to wear a watch to time the starts ; this should be worn on the wrist of your right hand , with the face on the inside , so that in the final seconds of a frantic starboard tack start it can easily be read whilst in the sailing position .
21 UK businesses registrable for VAT in other member states , where they have no establishment , will need to appoint a tax representative in those countries , or consider registering there .
22 And whoever weighs that evidence will need to remember a number of things .
23 If in doubt you will need to consult a builder later with your photographs or , in the case of rot or infestation , to ask for a wood treatment survey .
24 In some places this is quite formal , and you will need to hold a letter of authority or be issued with a licence .
25 You will need to take a craft or technician apprenticeship .
26 If you are disabled you will need to take a specialist along with you to view a property to consider any problems in structural adaptation .
27 And I hope Chair , that those will meet with members ' approval this morning , but we will need to take a resolution on those .
28 Erm it 's it 's quite an interesting erm er , addition to the er original proposal but clearly members will need to take a view as to whether er they want erm the Environment Trust to do that but erm , er what I would suggest is that we bring back er , some final proposals from Environment Trust at the next meeting er , for members to have a look at .
29 If not you will need to choose a builder an agent , architect or surveyor will help you with this , to give you an estimate .
30 Pedestrians will need to push a button to command the lights to turn red , which they will do in phase with the Blackfriars Road lights .
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