Example sentences of "will probably be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , she 'll she 'll probably be asleep until five now .
2 I think you 'll probably be able to .
3 You 'll probably be able to that .
4 There 's a in the restaurant , somebody 's in here as well , so I 'll probably be able to just .
5 There 's some lovely little girls ' coats , but I thought like let , long ones , I thought they 'll probably be alright for in her pram
6 You 'll be you 'll probably be interested in the results .
7 She 'll probably be sick on the way back !
8 She will probably be awake before that as alcohol disrupts sleep as well as causing dehydration , causing partygoers to wake up with a raging thirst and pounding headache .
9 While these are very useful for your sample file you will probably be anxious for ideas on how to use these new fabrics .
10 Digital cameras will become more popular as the quality of image improves and the price falls , but it will probably be well into the next century before they become firmly established .
11 When passing on to them family news , which they are usually anxious to hear , remember that the time for leaning on them with your more serious troubles is now past ; so unless there is some inescapable reason for giving them bad news , try to protect them from it , for they will probably be worrying about it in isolation until your next visit .
12 Ninety new fields will probably be necessary by the end of the century if oil self-sufficiency is to be maintained .
13 Every surveyor develops his own sequence of inspection to ensure that all relevant parts of the property are examined closely and that their inter-relationship is considered ; his system will probably be similar to that described in more detail in Chapter 7 .
14 In any event it will probably be relevant in most cases for the Industrial Tribunal to ask itself whether there has been any substantial fault on the part of the employee or his adviser which has led to the failure to comply with the statutory time limit
15 If we look far enough ahead electric vehicles are eventually likely to replace the internal combustion engine but this will probably be far in the future for a number of reasons .
16 Brown will probably be involved in passing it on to other sites as well as to colleagues at the Morgan Grenfell operation .
17 Provided that the party relying on a time bar clause can establish a need for such a clause — which will be relatively easy in a commercial contract — and provided that the period stipulated is not unreasonable , such a clause will probably be enforceable under the Act .
18 The problem is I have no transport and public transport will probably be scarce on the day .
19 However , CRP is now available as a standard laboratory assay , whereas cytokine assays are largely confined to research laboratories and it will probably be sometime before the even earlier warnings provided by cytokine estimations become generally available .
20 The words quivered on the page : ‘ You will probably be surprised at this letter , ’ Leslie wrote .
21 You will probably be surprised at what a different experience it is actually speaking the words rather than running through them in your head .
22 If you read an article or book twice you will probably be surprised by the many new things you discover the second time .
23 The oilseed rape , desiccated on July 20 with Roundup ( glyphosate ) will probably be ready at a similar time .
24 You will probably be able to " negotiate " where you go by talking to the teacher or co-ordinator who is responsible for organising the Work Experience programme .
25 In actual fact , that car of his being light , I mean a front wheel drive will probably be able to and being light probably be better served for getting out of difficult situations than the other cars .
26 The article included a suggestive phrase — ‘ If people are kind to animals , they will probably be kind to each other too . ’
27 It concluded : ’ The scheme will probably be marginal on the basis of tangible costs and benefits ’ and ’ Intangible benefits will be critical to the justification of the scheme . ’
28 The marketing section will probably be concerned with advertising , sales promotion , product-development and marketing research .
29 If you become ill and have to go into hospital , you will probably be concerned about keeping in touch with your children .
30 That can not excuse them , however , and the FA will probably be interested in both teams ' excuses .
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