Example sentences of "which [is] thought to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It claims to eliminate toxins from the body , to restore a normal potassium and sodium balance in cells ( which is thought to be disturbed in cancer patients ) , to boost liver function ( also affected by the disease ) and to reactivate certain enzymes .
2 The drift-net catch of juvenile in 1988–89 was estimated at between 29,000 and 49,000 tonnes , which is thought to be unsustainable .
3 Drugs evaluated by this method include D-cycloserine which is thought to be involved in the formation of memory .
4 This may be compared with the conception rate for Down 's Syndrome , which is thought to be one in 200 .
5 In providing reasonable access to a representative range of published material , a librarian is required to take note of the needs and interests of the public as a whole ; from time to time pressures , which this Association would feel to be undue , have been brought to bear on a librarian to discontinue the acquisition and display of material , which is thought to be unacceptable and which thus might prohibit the service to certain minorities whose interests the libraries are equally supposed to serve .
6 If the nodule develops into something resembling a small cauliflower then it could be lymphocystis , which is thought to be caused by a virus and is somewhat akin to warts .
7 Paired activation of the parallel and climbing fibre inputs results in long-term depression of the parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapse , which is thought to be mediated through the mGlu receptor that is coupled to InsP 3 formation ( Box 1 ) .
8 SNI 's data dictionary is based upon the US Information Resource Dictionary System model , which is more suited to development , according to Informix , than the European Portable Common Tools Environment dictionary model , which is thought to be stronger at run-time .
9 Anil Gadre , vice president of systems product marketing at Sun told Unigram a couple of weeks ago that a Sparc version of Novell 's Portable NetWare would arrive soon : meanwhile it 's thought the two will shortly announce NetWare SunLink to run on top of Sun 's Solaris 2.0 for Intel Corp platforms , which is thought to be a key part of Sun 's bid to capture a share of the Unix-on-Intel market .
10 The Criminal Justice Act 1988 provides for a similar Attorney-General 's reference where a sentence which is thought to be too lenient is imposed .
11 Roy Clements wanted it for his collection which is thought to be the largest in Britain .
12 As well as being aesthetically pleasing , trees absorb carbon dioxide which is thought to be making holes in the ozone layer .
13 This is because this analysis excludes the effect of changes in basal acid secretion , which is thought to be independent of gastrin dependent .
14 As is well known , the superoxide radical can interact with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of iron to generate the hydroxyl radical , which is thought to be the most toxic reactant and to abstract methylene hydrogen atoms from polyunsaturated fatty acids , which initiates lipid peroxidation .
15 These observations suggest that the rectal contractile response , which is thought to be a spinal reflex and the internal sphincter relaxation , an enteric reflex , are both normally suppressed by descending inhibitory pathways .
16 33% of our patients had sweat chloride concentrations of less than 60 mmol/L , which is thought to be normal .
17 On the basis that Scottish Amicable was not prepared to take a majority stake or play a more active role in the Bank of Edinburgh 's affairs — which is thought to be what the Bank of England wanted — then this was a circle that was unlikely ever to be squared .
18 A committee is to consider a recommendation from the region 's education director , David Semple , which is thought to be the first in Scotland to reject even special smoking areas within schools .
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