Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [be] expected [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the changes introduced since the consultation period on the SAS 's exposure draft , published in May 1992 , is a distinction between an inherent uncertainty which may be expected to be resolved at a future date and one which exists because evidence does or did exist but is not available to the auditors and so arises because of a limitation in the auditors ' work .
2 They are typical of the kind of factual information which may be expected of children and could be paralleled elsewhere .
3 That is to say , hymns of praise are sung , especially to mothers , but the tangible rewards which might be expected for work of considerable social significance are not available .
4 Eighteenth-century observers often argued that naval battles between opponents of more or less equal strength were almost certain to be indecisive , that naval warfare was by its nature unlikely to produce victories of the kind which might be expected on land .
5 The end result is curiously close to the situation which might be expected in a much more left-wing administration and with a high degree of efficiency and accountability .
6 There was little in the way of negotiation or managed change of the sort which might be expected from the Cockburn model .
7 The reforms which might be expected from this theoretical starting-point are moves towards market mechanisms or some surrogate for them which can be used both to influence the behaviour of bureaucrats by giving them a different set of incentives , and to increase the range of choice available to the consumers of public — in this case particularly local government — services .
8 Very similar deposits are known in Greenland , which might be expected from drifting arguments , but they are also known in other parts of Europe and as far away as Brazil , China and Australia .
9 Together these viewpoints have distorted the development of English education at the expense of a balanced provision in a system which could be expected to be concerned with the broad world of personal development , preparation for employment and providing for economic and community need , both local and national .
10 Releasing on Nov. 15 its budget figures for 1991 , the government stated that it planned to increase spending by 22 per cent to the equivalent of US$499,000,000 and would face a fiscal deficit of $150,000,000 , only $91,000,000 of which could be expected to be covered by future loans .
11 He was unopposed at Bewdley , and in the country as a whole , while losing a hundred seats ( the minimum which could be expected after 1931 ) , he still secured the second biggest majority of the century .
12 But it was precisely the kind of initiative which could be expected from a small , isolated and frustrated group of political activists .
13 The effect of the expansion of Zechstein salt section would be to elevate the overlying Bunter Shale such that its depth of burial is less than that which would be expected from its velocity character acquired at greater depth .
14 Examination of the aircraft revealed a quantity of metal swarf in the oil filter , the nature of which was consistent with that which would be expected from a bearing failure within the engine .
15 In the very different world of perfect competition , the constraints are assumed satisfied given competition between firms as to who is to produce , price-taking behaviour and , lastly , the indirect result that the individual profit maximizing behaviour which would be expected from self-seeking entrepreneurs leads to social welfare maximization the " invisible hand " result .
16 Currently , extensive areas of Europe and eastern North America are experiencing average pH values of less than 4.5 and even less than 4.0 This represents precipitation acidity up to 30–40 times that which would be expected from an unpolluted atmosphere ( figure 4.3 ) .
17 Radiography has revealed the increased vascular and focal parenchymal densities which would be expected from the changes described above .
18 The results of the computer run using the real sites showed a five-point alignment , which would be expected by chance only once in 250 runs .
19 If social psychology is to become a historical science , then this is the son of problem which can be expected to be posed .
20 The primary aim is to provide an authentic analysis of key legal , administrative , and policy themes which can be expected to be met during the development and implementation of a integrated approach .
21 Yet , we find , not only is there widespread discrimination against older people in the provision of health care , but they are also the victims of restricted assumptions about the quality of health which can be expected in old age .
22 A relatively complex case such as no. 3 following reveals the adaptability of LM 's and demonstrates the speed of response which can be expected from remedies .
23 Clearly , the extent to which the offeror and its financial advisers can satisfy themselves on such matters before the announcement depends on the co-operation which can be expected from the target 's board .
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