Example sentences of "take place [prep] a series " in BNC.

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1 The VDU interface exploits the full screen display techniques possible with the VDU , so that all interaction takes place via a series of display pages .
2 All LIFESPAN user interaction takes place via a series of display pages on a terminal .
3 The festival , organise din association with XFM radio and Riverman concerts , takes place at a series of London venues .
4 This reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates takes place in a series of small steps , a metabolic pathway ( the sequence of steps ) .
5 These would take place on a series of Sundays , for instance , or as a block of evening classes , and cater for all levels of ability from foundation and introductory courses to advanced tuition , allowing students to progress at a steady and consistent rate .
6 Although the cusp has long been considered a well defined spatial structure maintained by continuous reconnection , it has recently been suggested r4–6 that reconnection instead may take place in a series of discontinuous events ; this is the ‘ pulsating cusp model ’ .
7 Far from extending Darwinian gradualism , the scientists who tried to reconstruct the past had returned to a theory of history that assumed that progress took place through a series of distinct episodes , representing the rise and fall of groups that evolved in parallel rather than in sequence .
8 This is direct evidence for the pulsating cusp model and that reconnection was taking place in a series of bursts ( FTEs ) at the subsolar magnetopause .
9 Since then the transformation of rural villages into non-agricultural settlements has taken place in a series of waves out along the lines of transportation from the major urban centres , particularly , in the first instance , London .
10 They wanted progress , but preferred to believe that the advances had taken place by a series of discrete steps , each too large to be compatible with any form of natural development .
11 Most chemical reactions which proceed at a measurable rate are believed to take place in a series of simple steps .
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