Example sentences of "know exactly what be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 You know , I mean you , the problem with you and dad is , cos you never got particularly involved with it you do n't , you do n't know exactly what 's happening at school , you do n't know what we do .
2 If you do not know exactly what is going to happen it is well to keep your options open .
3 So initially , I used the camera without anybody in the class … then they do n't know exactly what is going to happen .
4 Must know exactly what is happening .
5 ‘ Yes , I was happy to make something that would let people outside know exactly what is happening in our country . ’
6 It was an hour later that they came back and by then the Jewish family had let me know exactly what was happening in Germany , and my game had become rather more serious .
7 She realized that he must know exactly what was running through her mind .
8 Less directly but equally importantly , people living in the vicinity of a large plant would not take kindly to the idea that it was not under the control of human beings who are on the spot and are assumed to know exactly what is happening .
9 But erm so , so it 's difficult to know exactly what 's happening now , and unless I see it in the office .
10 The situation has thrown me a bit and I shall be talking to him again because I want to know exactly what 's going on .
11 ‘ You 'd better have a good reason for all this , Lizzy , because I want to know exactly what 's going on with you . ’
12 Yes , I mean we obviously feel that there are people who ca n't sit and listen or watch continually , and people who do dip in and out , but they still nonetheless want to know exactly what 's going on .
13 When her gynaecologist asked why , she had told him that , apart from her hatred of injections , she wanted to know exactly what was going on .
14 The following day , having asked some leading questions of our local newsagent — Mr Bales always seemed to know exactly what was going on in the terrace and was only too happy to share his knowledge with anyone who wanted to pass the time of day — I presented myself at the offices of John D. Wood in Mount Street .
15 Help , she told him , and most of all they wanted , needed , to know exactly what was going on .
16 I goes erm I know exactly what 's gon na happen when I go away this Easter .
17 The Enterprise Allowance guys know exactly what 's going on .
18 If an organiser does not co-ordinate and monitor and know exactly what 's going on at each stage , then ultimately he has only himself to blame if something goes wrong .
19 I know you , Lissa ; I know you far better than you think , and I know exactly what 's going on in that secretive labyrinth of a mind .
20 We must introduce … another National Service Act for a limited period until we know exactly what is going to happen …
21 Everything is very different now , there are new considerations , and until I know exactly what is going on you 're not going to draw me on the subject . ’
22 ‘ I know exactly what is going to happen and there 's no chance anything will happen to make her worse than now .
23 That is not the coal lobby talking — that is the view of senior people in National Power who know exactly what is happening in terms of electricity generation in this country .
24 The barn where it was held was owned by a local farmer , John Ellis , and if Kate knew anything about it , he had known exactly what was going on .
25 The rest were wrapped up in a fog , from drugs or cracked minds , but Anne knew exactly what was going on .
26 Since they knew exactly what was going to happen the others usually grabbed him , tied up the red scarf and sat him down .
27 And to make sure everybody knew exactly what was going on , planning chiefs held a press conference on the beach , while the SAS-style commandos held a photo-call .
28 You would n't want to start watching one of those awful old adventure films you like so much if you knew exactly what was going to happen , would you ?
29 We were coming in , white , black , Indian , they knew exactly what was going on .
30 She knew exactly what was going to happen now — she would lose her baby and he would commend her .
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