Example sentences of "out of bed and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There 's only one area of your life you want to share with me , ’ she recalled caustically , getting out of bed and reaching for her robe .
2 He staggered out of bed and cleaned his teeth , but the taste was still there .
3 Next day , Sunday — All Saints ' Day — Wycliffe woke at seven , but it was after eight before he dared get out of bed and peer through the curtains , for Helen was still asleep .
4 Folly slipped out of bed and wriggled her toes in the thick , silky pile of the carpet .
5 Mrs Frizzell drank her coffee quickly , then scrambled out of bed and proceeded a little unsteadily to the kitchen , her cotton nightgown drooping despondent–y round her .
6 He leapt out of bed and began to search for his clothes .
7 ‘ Then , before I could stop her she got my father out of bed and told him the whole thing .
8 He gets out of bed and scrabbles into a sweatshirt and trousers .
9 Cameron got out of bed and dressed , feeling unreal .
10 When Mrs Lennox had gone Maggie got out of bed and dressed in the clothes Susan had left out for her .
11 I made sure I looked as if I 'd just got out of bed and dressed in a hurry — hence no socks and the sweatshirt — and went down to front garden to wave them in .
12 Jessamy eventually hauled herself out of bed and padded over to the window .
13 When a sender judges her receiver 's schema to correspond to a significant degree with her own , she need only mention features which are not contained in it ( the time of getting up and what she had for breakfast , for example ) ; other features ( like getting out of bed and getting dressed ) will be assumed to be present by default , unless we are told otherwise .
14 Sometimes he gets out of bed and does n't even want to play tennis at all ! ’
15 So I had to get out of bed and turn over .
16 She did not , thought Henry bitterly , as he dragged himself out of bed and weaved his way to the bathroom over Elinor 's discarded knickers , go to classes in being thin , or classes designed to allow the participants to hold one idea in their heads for more than five minutes .
17 DARLINGTON is to spearhead a new scheme designed to keep homeless families out of bed and breakfast temporary accommodation .
18 Yesterday morning Harriet had got out of bed and made herself ready to go hunting behind those upstairs windows .
19 She got out of bed and thought everything over very carefully , and although it was difficult to keep emotion out of it , she still came back to the self-same answer .
20 When she attends for the first time , she assesses the patient : if he is out of bed and eating his breakfast , for instance , she observes whether he can feed himself , or whether he needs help ; whether he has perceptual problems ; how good his balance is while he is sitting ; whether he is limited by spasticity ; what his posture is like ; and then whether he is capable of standing and walking .
21 She was then helped out of bed and assisted to walk around .
22 He got out of bed and walked across to Jackie as if he were about to say something .
23 Mysteriously , a nurse later said that one night I got out of bed and walked to the toilet , and yet the next day I could n't move .
24 She then jumped out of bed and walked out of the room , he said .
25 She was too frightened to get out of bed and go to find Victorine .
26 She felt so sick that it was lunchtime before she could drag herself out of bed and come downstairs .
27 Oh he probably , I mean , he could get ou er , he might just get out of bed and come back in .
28 but she 'd do anything for you , if you say like midnight one night you got her out of bed and come down .
29 The late arrival had necessitated her getting out of bed and throwing on a voluminous dressing-robe in order to prepare suitable accommodation — on a night such as this , moreover , when all a body wanted was to curl up under the quilt and hide from the horrors outside .
30 Switching on the bedside light , I got out of bed and fumbled into my bathrobe .
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