Example sentences of "who do [not/n't] seem [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It was great to see the Oldies review of the 1969 Fender Bass VI in the September issue ; this is a much neglected instrument , the worst neglect emanating from Fender themselves , who do n't seem to realise what they 've got .
2 Some children of seven or eight know exactly what they are doing but there are some 13-years-olds who do n't seem to know . ’
3 Yet inevitably there are one or two pupils who do not seem to respond to my way of working , who are hard to control .
4 There are still many policy makers who do not seem to realise that a fundamental change is in progress , a change which is bound to affect every individual and every social group .
5 In practice that means keeping an eye out for leadership qualities and sometimes selecting on that basis and , at the same time , encouraging the absorption of certain leadership precepts by those who do not seem to possess them in a natural way .
6 ‘ Secret people , ’ she said , ‘ who do not seem to have any business that could take them into the forest . ’
7 Colliers probably , and metal miners possibly , were among groups who do not seem to have experienced the widespread fall in real earnings after 1760 .
8 There was one farmer , however , who did not seem to notice her , and this annoyed her a little .
9 Within five minutes , Meredith was not only as hot , bothered and bad-tempered as the rest , she was angry too at people who did not seem to appreciate what they had .
10 Monique filed for divorce in 1974 and at the proceedings in October 1976 , she told the court that Rachid ‘ was a man who did not seem to have any control of his emotions ’ ; that he believed ‘ women are not men 's equals and that women are servants to men ’ .
11 Sara could not help smiling back at him , he looked so incongruous surrounded by the children , who did not seem to stay still for a moment ; the whole group bubbled and rippled with continuous movement .
12 The Spirit urged Jesus into the desert , where he resisted the temptations of the Devil , who did not seem to know that he was tempting God himself .
13 She pushed her way through a high-spirited crowd who did n't seem to notice her rudeness and followed him into the kitchen .
14 He put out his hand to touch the shiny paint but there was a man at the wheel who did n't seem to like Stuart .
15 They demolished Moseley , who did n't seem to know whether they were coming or going .
16 Sir John had then stamped off , muttering curses about public officials who did n't seem to care .
17 Once a man she 'd never met before , a man called Peter who did n't seem to have a wife , kept dancing with her in the Godsons ' house , holding her very close , in a way that quite upset her and yet was pleasurable .
18 ‘ Yesterday you were the one who did n't seem to want reminding of … of the whole disaster .
19 And that set the scene perfectly for Hick , a man who does n't seem to know where his next Test run is coming from , yet bats like superman in the knock-about stuff .
20 When the process described by Erikson is successful , ‘ the community in turn feels ‘ recognised ’ by the individual who cares to ask for recognition ; it can , by the same token , feel deeply — and vengefully — rejected by the individual who does not seem to care . ’
21 According to Lord Elphinstone , the candidacy of Buchanan of Aucheneen was being pressed by Dundas of Lethem , one of Montrose 's friends , a gentleman who does not seem to have hesitated to make use of the duke 's name in the course of his canvass for Aucheneen .
22 The latter were represented after 1474 by a minor in the custody of William lord Hastings , who does not seem to have played much part in south Yorkshire .
23 The latter were represented after 1474 by a minor in the custody of William lord Hastings , who does not seem to have played much part in south Yorkshire .
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