Example sentences of "who [verb] [been] in prison " in BNC.

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1 In the next cell there is a wild-looking man who has been in prison for 8 years , and whose long , unkempt hair has gone white .
2 What a wonderful night : thousands of people , many of them young , black and white , all there is to thank an elderly man who had been in prison longer than many at the concert had even been alive .
3 At a four-day show trial in May 1963 Wynne received an eight-year prison sentence but in April 1964 was conveniently exchanged for Konon Molody , or ‘ Gordon Lonsdale ’ , the professional KGB spy and member of the Portland spy ring who had been in prison with George Blake .
4 Most of the former National Guards were high-ranking figures from the Somoza regime who had been in prison for much of the last 10 years .
5 Following Alia 's call for greater religious toleration , Vatican and Yugoslav sources reported that 5,000 people attended a Catholic mass in Shkoder on Nov. 16 conducted by Archbishop Simun Yubani , who had been in prison from 1967 until 1989 for violating the ban imposed on all forms of religious manifestations .
6 At the moment the fires began , Petr Zaichnevskii , a twenty-year-old Moscow University student who had been in prison since the previous year , managed to publish Young Russia , " the most bloodcurdling and extreme " of all the calls to action which circulated in the wake of the emancipation .
7 There are men who have been in prison for ten years and more for claiming their liberty ; men who have slipped away to struggle overseas ; men who have escaped to Europe to carry on the fight there — they are hounded and they are imprisoned , but their views are heard .
8 People who have been in prison in Zaire , Somalia and many other places find it hard , after the long , arduous and frightening experience of travelling abroad to seek asylum , to talk instantly about everything that happened .
9 A cyclist who 's been in prison in Nepal for over a month could be freed later this week .
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