Example sentences of "her father 's [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 No , it was her father 's attitude that had shocked her .
2 However , under King Henry 's harsh but effective rule , England had remained peaceful , so nothing had ever come of her father 's plans and Isabel was free to indulge her girlhood dreams in the quiet haven , shut off from the bustle and constant noise of castle life .
3 Clothes were all very well , they were her father 's life and she knew that all the privileges she enjoyed were hers because of clothes and the stupendous success they had brought him , but she could n't care about them .
4 His daughter , Mary Moore , who enthusiastically supported the exhibition and was guest of honour at the opening , is well known for opposing the approach to her father 's work and , above all to his house and studios at Perry Green , taken by the Henry Moore Foundation , which she considers to be over-institutional , insufficiently concerned with the memory of her father and out of tune with his intentions .
5 Lucy had been reading The Saint from her father 's shelves when all of the other girls had their noses in Black Beauty .
6 This was her father 's invention and he was very proud of it .
7 Determination surged afresh through Emily 's consciousness , she would rebuild her father 's reputation and his business , she would show the world that Emily Grenfell was no weak-kneed lady of leisure , but as strong as any man when it came to business .
8 And there certainly had been a great deal of stress and tension — almost from the first few weeks following their wedding : Lady Nancy Wyndham 's total opposition to their marriage ; her own mother 's sudden untimely death , followed by her father 's long-drawn-out and eventually terminal illness ; the total immersion of Ross in his business affairs , and — the final catalyst — the affair between Ross and his personal assistant , Marissa Kenton .
9 Blindly she had accepted her father 's word that he was dead .
10 Whatever it was , Constance knew it was a betrayal of her father 's memory as well as being something of which Miss Hatherby could not approve .
11 Joyce has now learned to honour her father 's memory and to see his worth .
12 Louise was astonished by the sudden improvement ; she could feel the warmth returning to her father 's limbs and see his breathing becoming easier every moment .
13 Laura , 18 , who is currently taking a one-year cookery course at Leith 's School of Food and Wine in Kensington , made a big impression at her father 's inauguration as Governor of Hong Kong in July when she wore a stunning short navy suit from Jigsaw and large-brimmed straw hat .
14 At her first appearance in the rose pink blouse , her father 's eyebrows and icy glower had caused her to redden under his gaze but for once , her mother 's slight head-shake had caused Jonadab to bite his tongue and he had made no comment to Martha .
15 The poor little rich girl who got into the FBI through her father 's influence and who would now be married to some rich Miami socialite had it not been for the timely intervention of Colonel Philpott , who was pressed into giving her a job with UNACO .
16 Alice up North , back to her father 's territory though at first she did not see this .
17 They had also sent knitted comforts to Eileen , and Anne had made a balaclava helmet for herself which she wore in bed as well as a pair of her father 's socks and a cardigan over her pyjamas .
18 The match was against her father 's wishes and caused considerable family conflict .
19 When Liz 's twin baby girls were born Laura was convinced that she had done the right thing in keeping the full extent of her father 's illness and the subsequent disastrous financial mess from her cousin .
20 So good were her father 's hints and tips that she was appointed official yearbook photographer at high school and from there she went on to study applied photography at college .
21 So good were her father 's hints and tips that she was appointed official yearbook photographer at high school and from there she went on to study applied photography at college .
22 Daughter June had inherited some of her father 's wanderlust and had a yearning for show business .
23 However , it was while in the midst of dealing with her father 's problems that her husband had dropped his bombshell .
24 She remembered her father 's words after he 'd blamed Ace for his son 's death ; words she 'd never repeated to anybody .
25 They were her father 's words and she had never forgotten them .
26 She said Hello , and How are you , and went into her father 's office where the secretary , Jill , sat in her father 's chair , counting money from the till downstairs .
27 Maureen 's attempt to move into her father 's office and her subsequent compromise of commandeering a desk in the room outside it had been gestures of little practical effect .
28 I was there the night she exhumed her father 's body and had his rotting remains tossed into the Thames .
29 It would never be her father 's face that materialised ; how could it be ?
30 She watched the play of emotions on her father 's face and knew her words had struck home .
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