Example sentences of "so i mean [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mhm so I mean well it it 's gon na be an archive and maybe people can who want to analyse everyday language can get tape recordings from it and er y'know perhaps it can be used in scholarship , perhaps it can be used in socio-linguistics or whatever .
2 So I mean well I suppose it 's , times flitting away cos I do n't suppose her solicitor will let it go on forever !
3 So I mean again I realized I had dug a hole for myself with the compressed funding but at the same time I was saying to myself oh yeah there is carry forward here er
4 so I mean really they say , they 're all going in there and perhaps she 's not mature enough .
5 so I mean like I go down here , I do some off Broadway and then I nip down
6 So I mean perhaps they 'd be better off dead , just keeping them alive in a state of sickness or in coma or something of this sort — there was a great discussion about this and that erm you see not even life is the ultimate good in a sense , you see , at some point death is better .
7 You know so I mean so I 've never had a , it 's been a bad experience for me , not a good one .
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