Example sentences of "as it turned [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So while d'Abreu and his colleagues went off eastwards , even braver or more foolhardy men — following the banner of Castile — were determined to discover — heroically and , as it turned out for many of them , fatally — the way to reach this same Orient by travelling outwards to the West , across the vast unknown .
2 The occasional jeep was still passing by with its dead or wounded aboard , raising a cloud of dust as it turned out of the village and sped down the slight hill toward the Orne bridges .
3 Certainly , when Yeats chaired the Irish Senate committee that commissioned the Irish coinage ( so wonderfully handsome as it turned out to be ) , it was photographs of Sicilian Greek coins that went out to prospective designers to show them what the committee had in mind .
4 He was shadowed everywhere in Sheffield , and he looked back on the experience as his most annoying transfer hid — particularly as it turned out to be one of his rare failures .
5 The French Government 's response , as swift and dramatic as it turned out to be highly risky , was to call its own referendum .
6 I saw it as a disaster and it happened , but I did n't think it would be such a hello-goodbye thing as it turned out to be . ’
7 ON day two of MP-TV Nicholas Ridley was scheduled to make a live appearance before the cameras — or , as it turned out from his speech , a dead appearance .
8 But the character of the report as it turned out in the end owed a great deal to Sir William Beveridge himself , who determined to make a ‘ crusade ’ out of it for the sake of the achievement of social reform .
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