Example sentences of "as though she [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 No one knew how old she was , but she looked as though she was made of leather and would last forever .
2 Her accent is gentler than the others , and her words are clipped as though she was schooled in England as child , though I know she was n't .
3 Even when the happy couple had left for their honeymoon , and the floor of the marquee had been cleared for the dance due to follow the reception , she still felt as though she was wound up as tightly as a spring .
4 Feeling so totally unlike her normal self , as though she was mesmerised , Hilary slowly removed his clothes .
5 At first she had let him wash their three-month-old child but Fred 's face had become red and perspiration stood out on his forehead as he held the mite as though she were made of china .
6 As his fingers explored further , slipping inside her , moving rhythmically against her , a drowsy and confused acceptance possessed her mind while , at the same time , her body responded to his touch as though she were made of fire ; and the centre of that hotness burned deep and slow and fierce inside her , tantalizingly with the magic of Johnny 's moving fingers .
7 As though she were made of fire .
8 Even as she struggled he was lifting her clear off her feet as easily as though she were made of thistledown .
9 Just for a moment she felt paralysed , as though she were bolted to her seat .
10 Juliet felt she was in another world , she felt as though she were intoxicated .
11 As though she were buried under layers of white leaves .
12 For a second it was as though she were frozen , unable to move .
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