Example sentences of "as [pron] 'd [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The regiment saw an exhibition of my work and they commissioned it — which was very brave of them , in a way , as I 'd done very little before that . ’
2 It 's too bad , just as I 'd plucked up … . ’
3 As soon as I 'd woken up , I started to get strange pains in my stomach .
4 Her father 's anguish , as he 'd shouted those words at her mother , had pierced her to the quick , her mother 's shushing noises hardly heard as she 'd crept away to her room to hide .
5 She told me , as she 'd done so many times , that happiness could never be created out of the misery of other people , that Héloise was already jealous of her and unhappy because of her influence with the children . ’
6 It had seemed an expedient course of action at the time , as she 'd waited there in her kitchen , in the late afternoon dark , for Wakelate and his client to return to the house .
7 One young girl who had stood giggling at the hapless Mark for more than ten minutes was told that she could go back to her department as she 'd waited long enough .
8 Pete , thinking of the Venetz sisters ' reputation for efficiency and attention to detail , asked her if she 'd hit any problems over having no social security records or documentation ; she currently had the status of an illegal immigrant , after all , and had even dumped her hot French passport as she 'd walked out of the 78 air terminal .
9 As soon as she 'd freshened up she would go out for a meal and see something of the city and the people who lived here .
10 She bent down quickly and retrieved the folder that , as she 'd sat down , she 'd laid on the floor by her chair .
11 Or maybe , as she 'd taunted earlier , his actions were governed by boredom .
12 At least , he 'd hated her after that single flare of interest as she 'd climbed out of Peter 's hired jeep , but it had died instantly when , striding boyishly round the front of the vehicle , Peter had gone straight up to his elder brother and announced , ‘ Meet my amazing fiancée , big brother ! ’
13 So er says right , I 'll see you later , and just as we 'd gone away Joke got back out the car er , and she says do n't worry about the money .
14 We would all come back to reboard the train after the Jockey Club Race Train Stakes on Wednesday , and cocktails and dinner would be served as soon as we 'd rolled out of the station .
15 It was all too much , waiting for that upstart Hitler to make up his mind ; to envisage the Germans strutting down the Mall as they 'd strutted down the Champs Élysées .
16 Echoes of her multiple failure at the university shook her faith in her reasoning , but if she were as thick as they 'd made out there , surely Spiderglass would never have shrunk her ?
17 Gerry Cattini arrived as soon as they 'd sat down .
18 Carson said that in theory his own place was within the flood basin , but there had never been any trouble as long as he 'd lived there ; places right on the towpath used to get flooded regularly when the tide was high .
19 She wanted him to plead with her to stay with him , forever , as he 'd done once before , but this time she would accept and tell him how wrong she had been the first time .
20 As soon as he 'd turned away , Trish slipped in beside her and Caroline angled her head to the other girl 's .
21 ‘ … but , with their parents in hospital , I feel any such move would be counter-productive , ’ he 'd added curtly , dismissing the subject as he 'd turned back to the pile of papers in front of him .
22 Earlier that very week , in fact , as he 'd filled up the Jaguar with Gulf-inflated gasoline , he 'd found himself surveying the display of the semi-pornographic magazines arranged along the highest shelf above the dailies ; and re-acquainted himself with such reasonably familiar titles as Men Only , Escort , Knave , Video XXXX , and so many others , each of them enticing the susceptible motorist with its cover of some provocatively posed woman , vast-breasted and voluptuous .
23 As soon as he 'd hung up the phone , he gathered up the toys and slung them , Hamleys bag and all , under the bed .
24 Just as he 'd gone out of his way to bait Lotta by kissing her , Gina , so passionately !
25 It had the place of honour because , as he 'd said earlier , it was unique .
26 As he 'd hobbled back through the sleet a tiny part of him had hoped her gratitude would include an embrace , or at least a few words that would let him know she felt something for him .
27 But she knew that in the last resort if he did I would do it , but he 's , he 's paid off now as soon as he 'd paid off he went on the dole again
28 Then he had deposited the champagne bottle on a small occasional table , next to a sleek ivory-coloured object that Folly had just about recognised as a phone , and she had watched in horrified fascination as he 'd picked up the receiver and started to tap out a number .
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