Example sentences of "his wife [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But his wife 's a school teacher and that 's why .
2 His wife 's a drug addict . ’
3 His wife 's a fan of ours .
4 Unknown to him , his wife is a gambler , who over the years has been secretly gambling away his money and assets .
5 It has been suggested that Harry 's guilt at apparently murdering his wife is a reflection of Eliot 's own feelings after separating from Vivien .
6 His wife is a nymphomaniac , with an alarming resemblance to Morticia in The Addams Family , who desperately wants to sink her amorous fangs into two young likely lads about town .
7 Spend two days in tour fatigues with this new , arena-compatible Nirvana production machine — ‘ I do n't know the names of most of the crew , ’ admits Dave — and it dawns on you that the overriding issue here is not that Kurt Cobain is on heroin ( or is n't , or was , or is and is trying to get off ) but that his wife is a Grade A pain in the arse .
8 He works as a cook in the local prison , and his wife is a maid .
9 Even an understanding husband may feel resentment if his wife is a mother first and a wife second .
10 It is ironic that the hypocrite , who is seen throughout with a neurotic distrust of women , and whose every second word to his wife is an insult , should finally be exposed by a woman he had trusted , from whom he had snatched the handkerchief without even thinking her worth swearing to secrecy ( III.iii.320ff . ) .
11 His wife was a kinswoman of the earl 's councillor Sir John Pickering , which implies that Middleton did not see service to Gloucester as an alternative to Northumberland 's lordship .
12 His wife was a kinswoman of the earl 's councillor Sir John Pickering , which implies that Middleton did not see service to Gloucester as an alternative to Northumberland 's lordship .
13 He grew up in a Free Church home in Huddersfield with grace before meals and friends in for hymn singing on Sunday evenings after the service in the Baptist church ; he was a Fabian of long standing ; a cofounder of War on Want ; and his wife was a daughter of a Congregational minister .
14 Armstrong of Mangerton offered to send a messenger to Graham of Netherby — his wife was a Graham — to ensure that there would be no trouble with that warlike English clan .
15 they went bust or something and they , cos his , and his wife was a partner , the chap 's wife was one of the , one of the directors or partners
16 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 31 July 1985 and 28 February 1990 audited the accounts of a limited company , a company in which his wife was a shareholder and at various times an office holder , resulting in him not being free of any interest which might detract or be seen to detract from his professional independence and integrity was reprimanded and ordered to pay £600 by way of costs .
17 His wife was a historian in her own right , an ardent Irish home ruler and a member of the Irish Senate .
18 He was senior gynae reg and his wife was a physiotherapist … ’
19 His wife was no help to him , she was a poor , sickly creature , and he had his young sister to care for beside his own boy .
20 I could see how things were with him at home ; his wife was no good at her job .
21 It was a considerable party : 2,000 men in twenty ships , and headed by an intemperate ruffian whose only qualification for replacing Balboa as Governor of Darién was that his wife was the daughter of one of Isabella 's ladies-in-waiting .
22 His wife was the chairman of a health authority and she performed that job excellently for many years .
23 She paused and added thoughtfully , ‘ It 's strange , but although I 've stayed down here a lot I 've never met him , but perhaps that 's because his wife was an invalid and he devoted all his time to her .
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