Example sentences of "his father [verb] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 As he set off to return to the dairy and Tess , his father rode with him a little way .
2 In return his father rages at him for his inability to become a ‘ real ’ man , and demands as the only acceptable proof that Lucio has regained his masculinity that he attack the very next man he sees and sexually assault the first woman ( iv .
3 So it could be said that Michael Palin 's whose career went against what his father wished for him — All the more unforgivable because , unlike his father , he has followed ‘ my natural inclination ’ — and succeeded .
4 Fred groaned in protest from his armchair and his father looked at him sharply .
5 His father told him that story : his father looked at him through a glass : he had a hairy face .
6 His father looked at him with a disappointed expression , shaking his head slowly from side to side .
7 When he asked if he could take part , the gentlemen archers looked at him and at his bow and , thinking it doubtful he could hit anything at 100 yards , gave their permission if his father looked after him .
8 His mother had had no time for him , and his father disapproved of him .
9 When his father remonstrated with him and refused to believe that the respectable staff of the Sunday School had put any such nonsense in his head , the wee boy protested : ‘ But if I told you what we did learn about Moses and the Red Sea , you 'd never believe me . ’
10 Daniel told Cardiff Crown Court his father walked past him on the stairs after getting a knife from the kitchen .
11 His father walked beside him , behind him , leaned on him , did everything he could to teach him to drill .
12 The fact that his father behaved towards him for most of the time with mild , if somewhat unthinking kindness , did not rule out this possibility which is present at some time or other in most children 's minds : after all , if you were going to kill someone you would naturally go on being kind to them for the time being , giving them money for sweets and generally keeping up appearances .
13 His father turned toward him with an earnestness that Jack had never before seen in his face .
14 Michael told the Old Bailey he had tried to defend his brother Lee , 13 , before his father turned on him .
15 However , when his father confided in him that he too was a Communist , the interest in the cause dwindled , and the boy soon exchanged the party button for a series of buttons with obscene words …
16 His real interests , however , increasingly came to lie in science and eventually his father paid for him to attend University College London , where he studied chemistry .
17 To cut a long story short , he could n't make the grade so he ended up as a pharmacist in the business his father bought for him as a going concern .
18 He also has a lap box which his father built for him , and that sounds great for blues . ’
19 His father shouted at him over the noise of the engine , ‘ I want you to see , Alexei .
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