Example sentences of "his [noun] on [art] back " in BNC.

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1 This was as elementary as his lesson to Hoomey : from the side of the bath he put his foot on the back of Jazz 's head as he came to the side , and stepped in , taking Jazz 's head with him , forcing in abrupt and most accomplished somersault .
2 He made that noise that men who drink beer make , and wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist .
3 For he just pushed his plate aside , wiped his mouth on the back of his hand , and getting up from the table once again went out of the house without saying a word .
4 He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand .
5 They hurried out into Fleet Street , Sir John wiping his mouth on the back of his hand , hitching his sword belt , shouting that he would revisit the tavern at his earliest convenience .
6 Fitzormonde paused and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand .
7 His eyes on the back of her neck !
8 Benjamin rubbed his eyes on the back of his hand .
9 Reynolds blinked and wiped his nose on the back of his hand .
10 The coroner wiped his nose on the back of his hand and stared up at the sky .
11 As Mr Williams has legal title to the cheque , and provided that he endorses it ( signs his name on the back ) , a good title can be passed on to the hotelier and it can be paid into the hotelier 's bank account .
12 Pushing his briefcase aside , he lowered himself into a chair , rested his elbow on the back , and crossed one leg over the other .
13 An eruption of hissing spluttery steam , carrying wood and metal splinters and crusty bubbles of burnt floor , violently emits from his thought-crater and covers him in gritty black rubbish , the cruel knowledge flashes through to his spine spring which , uncoiling viciously , bashes his head on the back of the seat .
14 He 'd stood up as he spoke , and came to loom disturbingly large over her before spinning one of the chairs at the table and straddling it , resting his forearms on the back and fixing her with an unfathomable gaze .
15 There was still no trace of emotion discernible in his expression , and his hands on the back of the chair appeared perfectly relaxed .
16 Willie was so absorbed that he did n't notice that his knees were being licked and unconsciously he rested his hand on the back of Sammy 's neck .
17 He put his hand on the back of Lucien 's neck in a threatening manner .
18 Vincent replied by return of post , writing his answer on the back of Theo 's letter — but not , he hastened to add , ‘ with the intention of insulting you . ’
19 On this occasion he strode in and slapped his son on the back and shouted , ‘ Well my boy , your father feels he 's in for another great money-making day today at the garage !
20 His groom on the back does the final balancing act .
21 He beckoned Duncan to follow , and the two men left the hotel and got into the Lada parked outside , Duncan putting his bag on the back seat .
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