Example sentences of "his [noun] appear to be " in BNC.

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1 Inspector Steve Clapham , of Chester Police , said : ‘ His action appeared to be over a former girlfriend . ’
2 His gaze appeared to be fixed straight ahead , and he seemed utterly at peace with himself and his surroundings .
3 At Waddington , Tim Taylor has organised an exhibition of maquettes and drawings by Henry Moore ( 3 June-4 July ) at a time when international interest in his work appears to be reviving , with current exhibitions taking place in Sydney and in the Garden of the Bagatelles in Paris .
4 His mood appeared to be unpredictable .
5 Nor does it resemble the bravura footing of Kitri in the Don Quixote pas de deux or the passages in Ashton 's Ondine where his ballerina appears to be floating through water .
6 He had to hope so , because his feet appeared to be following Lily , carrying him with them , willy-nilly .
7 Ambassador 's fertility for last season was 89 percent , and his offspring appear to be ideal types to excel in the eventing world .
8 Indeed it was as though she had n't spoken , because his attention appeared to be fully centred upon Doreen .
9 He was dismissed by the colonial secretary , Lord Stanley ( later fourteenth Earl of Derby , q.v. ) , despite acknowledgement that ‘ his efforts appear to be rewarded by the decline of crimes of violence and outrage and by the growth of humane and kindly feeling in the minds of persons under his care . ’
10 His character appears to be very unimportant and innocent , but during the remainder of the book his true identity is gradually unfolded .
11 It could be claimed that Lawson was the custodian of success , however risky his strategy appeared to be .
12 The drift of his argument appeared to be feminist .
13 In effect , his season appeared to be ending when Glamorgan went out of the NatWest quarter-finals .
14 As with many proud people , his life appears to be shadowed by those intent upon humiliating him .
15 Then the rider relaxed his legs , the horse moved off into a working trot , the rider rising so much at one with the animal that he in his turn appeared to be performing a piaffe .
16 An antidepressant should never be the sole form of treatment a patient is receiving , even if his illness appears to be entirely of an endogenous variety .
17 His gamble appears to be that the moratorium this year on tax increases will encourage people to relax their self-discipline and do some spending .
18 But if the manager is planning midfield changes , his options appear to be limited .
19 It followed a lovely move ; Shaun Strang sent Loughran galloping down the right , his cross appeared to be handled by Blues ' defender John McConnell but before anyone could make a protest about it Manley drove the ball into the corner of the net past Wesley Lamont .
20 His son appeared to be bent on wasting his talent and his time , earning no money , and falling into disreputable company .
21 His lapses appear to be getting fewer . ’
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