Example sentences of "we [modal v] take [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We 've just finished the first round of waivers for people receiving the Home Care Service , and the criteria that I was giving you reflected those , and so when you get your letter , if you feel that you 've got particular financial problems or particular family situations we should take into account , erm then do get in touch with us and we 'll process it and we 'll set out a procedure for you in the letter that we send .
2 So , we should take on board when we look at Simon 's suggestions for Q P one , not only at things he 's but any other note that anyone else has got appropriate to that procedure .
3 It is no good arguing that we should take in asylum seekers and that we should process their applications quickly if , in the interim , no financial assistance is given to local authorities for that purpose .
4 Meaning is not simply in an utterance , irrespective of the participants : to understand it we must take into account the inter-subjectivity of the participants , addressing ourselves to such questions as who controls the meaning and the nature of the reference .
5 There is , however , one classical restriction which we must take into account , namely the resolving power of optical instruments .
6 Being able to find out for oneself has a number of contributory sub-skills attached to it , and in planning resource-based programmes for our classes we must take into account such sub-skills so that we can give the chance for them to develop and mature .
7 Here we must take into account , as our only other substantial piece of evidence , a telegram sent to Washington on the evening of 14 May by Alexander Kirk , the US Political Adviser at AFHQ .
8 We must take into account that evidence , as well as the other evidence , which seems to point the other way but has not been statistically upheld and has never been put before us in any form that we could check or examine .
9 You 've made very powerfully erm and I 'm that 's a point that we 'll take on board .
10 Yeah , but I mean basic things Ken , we 'll take for example
11 We shall take into consideration the possibility that it might happen , but it would be dreadful if it did . "
12 Secondly , we shall take into account the voltage induced by the current flowing in the ring .
13 We also pledge that when we are drawing up the membership of the commission we shall take into account his earlier suggestions about widening the membership .
14 However , we will take on board the recommendation and try to ensure that people are not kept waiting on any appreciable scale .
15 We will take into account the size of grounds when setting safety standards .
16 She is neat at sewing , and we will take in lodgers between us until the business is paying its way . ’
17 Can I say that we are now organising quite tightly the business of street collections , and I think if committee are minded to reduce the number of collections that we allow , we should decide that before we come to this meeting , because I think it 's very difficult in practical terms to do it at this stage , and therefore I would suggest that we do agree twenty-one , not withstanding what Graham said , we can take on board some of what he said , and maybe the month before we are asked to take this decision , we have an item on the agenda where we discuss the principle before we get down to the practicalities .
18 And these we can take to nursery and we can leave them at nursery ca n't we ?
19 There are three main categories of breeding system : monogamy , polygyny , and polyandry , which we can take in turn .
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