Example sentences of "from his desk [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He rose from his desk and went through the anteroom into Shirley 's office .
2 Colonel Windsor took a sheet of paper from his desk and wrote out the day 's Orders : Friday , 12 November 1920 To all section commanders Special General Order Section commanders are warned that the severest disciplinary measures will be taken against any sign of looting or retaliation .
3 Finally he got up from his desk and walked out into the foyer of the massage parlour .
4 He looked up from his desk and said , ‘ My good woman , where do you think I can put them ? ’
5 In mid-April , just before her toy shop opened , Clare 's weary , amiable , National Health doctor looked up from his desk and said , ‘ About your vaginal symptoms , Mrs Shapiro .
6 Then he took out a book from his desk and began to search for a name .
7 McAggott rose wearily from his desk and smote the sergeant a blow to the skull .
8 He got up from his desk and stepped over to the measuring rod .
9 The headmaster looked up from his desk and peered , searchingly , into Robert 's eyes .
10 The chairman picked up a small Graeco-Roman bronze from his desk and turned it between his fingers , while a faint flush crept up the flesh above his stiff collar .
11 He produced a large envelope from his desk and extracted a card .
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