Example sentences of "from [art] long line of " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately it is too far south to be properly seen from Britain or the northern United States , but when high up it is truly impressive , and it is easy to conjure up the picture of a scorpion from the long line of bright stars , with the ‘ head ’ and the ‘ sting ’ .
2 The name Venturous was a break from the long line of traditional names for Cutters as it had never previously been used .
3 Each individual cuckoo nestling is descended from a long line of ancestral cuckoo nestlings , every single one of whom must have succeeded in manipulating its foster-parent .
4 But each individual foster-parent is descended from a long line of ancestors many of whom never encountered a cuckoo in their lives .
5 My parents were from a long line of good people with a strong sense of duty , living at peace with their neighbours , quick to be helpful when it was in their power , understandably a little feudal in their outlook , with a cautious eye on the squire for whom they worked , liking a glass of beer or homemade parsnip wine , and not above a bit of rabbit poaching .
6 My first ambition was to be a concert pianist , but I come from a long line of actors and I suppose it was inevitable really that I 'd follow them .
7 From a long line of tradition in adidas shoe manufacture comes the Tennis Stabil and the Tennis Lite .
8 If you come from a long line of octogenarians , then clearly you will need to work out the sums on the basis of the next 20 years or longer .
9 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
10 ‘ Perhaps I come from a long line of knights and no-one ever told me .
11 His father came from a long line of bone-setters in Anglesey , but by the middle of the nineteenth century medical opinion was becoming increasingly hostile to these unqualified practitioners , and Evan Thomas sent all of his five sons to study medicine at Edinburgh University .
12 This family comes from a long line of fishermen … now unable to float their boats in the silted up harbour except at high tide they catch hardly enough to feed themselves .
13 Coming from a long line of seafarers , Mr Nelson has been running a pleasure cruise business for many years , taking would-be sailors out on fishing and boating trips .
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