Example sentences of "but before [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But before they faded from view , Flettner rotors proved to be a reliable form of wind propulsion during several years of full operation at Sea .
2 But before they start on their game , they signal that this is not to be a serious quarrel by walking in a stilted exaggerated fashion .
3 But before we go into all that tell me how you 're feeling . ’
4 But before we go to that
5 But before we get to this point Griffith has given us what a reviewer describes as Millet-like scenes of rural labour and urban scenes in which great wealth alternates with breadlines and poverty .
6 But before we look at that we must first turn to examine the record in a little more detail .
7 But before we look at each step in turn .
8 But before we jump to the conclusion that Pound had simply had a brainstorm , or had been trapped by misplaced compassion for Dunning as a lame duck , we ought to consider another possibility — that imagism , and Pound 's endorsement of Ford 's insistence on ‘ the prose tradition ’ , had never been for him more than an aberration , though in the short term a very profitable one , from a way of feeling that impelled him always toward the cantabile , a proclivity that would , in the interests of melody , tolerate notably eccentric diction .
9 Whether control of these facilities by the CPSU fulfilled this requirement is debatable , but before we jump to the conclusion that we could not have expected anything else from the Soviet system , consider the chequered history of the First Amendment to the United States constitution , which reads inter alia : ‘ congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech . ’
10 But before we move from discussing the lower levels of language — words , phrases , grammatical categories — to talking about the text as a unit of meaning , it would perhaps be useful to explain briefly what a text is and why we identify a given stretch of language as a text rather than assume that it is a set of unrelated words and sentences .
11 We have arrived at chapter 22 , but before we deal with it in detail , we must look quickly at another story that lies between Isaac 's birth and his coming so soon and so close to death .
12 Behind the HQ building , to the right of what Waters called the Paddock but before you got to the Wood , was a small black circle quite close to the boundary fence .
13 All right , but before you go onto the plusses , let's talk to Janet .
14 But before you get on the phone to the North Shields headquarters , be warned : the Standard will only lend to those living in the North East and as far south as Hartlepool .
15 Naturally you 'll want one that slots neatly into your kitchen and copes well with the food you want to cook , but before you part with your money , consider all the options and what features you 'll need .
16 But before I got to the end of it I burst into tears .
17 But before I went to Luggnagg , an official I had met in Lagado persuaded me to visit the small island of Glubbdubdrib .
18 But before I start with the heavy stuff , I 'd like to tell you my own theory about grown-ups and their DOs and DON'Ts and why a lot of them are not very good at dealing with children .
19 But before I talk about whether I should use that discretion , I should like to say that , as my hon. Friend said , I have known about his concern about the Axminster practice virtually since I arrived in the Department of Health 18 months ago .
20 But before I talk in more detail about how we hope to raise this money let me spend a little time explaining why I feel that this appeal is so vital to children everywhere .
21 Martin Parr was not a hasty man , but before he went to sleep he made two phone calls .
22 Soon Godwin was to sell the shop to Collins — and trigger its slow decline — but before he quit for a job as chief editor with Penguin Books he decided to open a paperback section in Old Compton Street .
23 But before he thinks about drifting off to the sun , Biggins wants another taste of cup glory .
24 But before he got to the newsagent 's he met , coming out of Fawley Road with a small boy and smaller girl , his first cousin once removed , Tina Darne .
25 But before he got into his aircraft to complete his detail he presented 20 piastres to Fagan , Fagan looked at the 20 piastres — and the 20 piastre piece was a great thing like a cartwheel , very large and bigger by far than an old-fashioned crown , some 2-2 ½ ″ wide , Fagan looked at this and the doctor said : I am sorry about the shit I blew over everybody — there is my fine , " Fagan looked at it and said " Doe , the fine was only 10 piastres . "
26 A Man Utd fan dies and goes to heaven but before he goes through the pearly gates he has to pass a test .
27 But before he cruised to his unbeaten 85 which sealed this victory with more than 11 overs to spare , he was put through quite an ordeal by the pumped-up Waqar .
28 These were Alexander II 's only real choices , but before he decided between them the notion of tying the provinces more closely to the centre had to be ruled out of court .
29 but before it comes to this meeting
30 But before she went to bed , she prayed .
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