Example sentences of "but i [be] afraid [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The hotel has facilities for small dogs at a charge of 90p per day , but I am afraid they are not allowed in the public rooms .
2 ‘ Oh , no , thank you , but I am afraid I have to hurry home . ’
3 JEWKES : [ to PAMELA ] Give me leave , madam , to wish you all manner of happiness but I am afraid I have too well obeyed his honour to be forgiven by you .
4 ‘ I know you wanted to speak to Rhoda Brocklebank but I am afraid I 've jumped the gun .
5 Today , I gladly mention the illness in my main column again , but I am afraid I am not aware of any further developments from research into ME .
6 For generations my family have been staunch Conservatives , but I am afraid my immediate family will no longer support a Government which cares little about animal welfare .
7 I admire what Gorbachev is attempting , but I am afraid he has great problems .
8 " She is active physically but I am afraid she has not retained all her mental faculties . "
9 But I am afraid it would require a deeper understanding of the chemistry of proteins than I possess to explain how the energy of the ATP is harnessed to the active transport of salts and other substances .
10 A There are a lot of Tanganyikan cichlids you can keep in your tank , but I am afraid it is only large enough for you to keep a pair of a single species .
11 We did what we could to help him but I am afraid it was little enough .
12 But I was afraid they would shoot at me again , and anyway I was grateful for their kindness in giving me food and drink , so I did not move .
13 ‘ You deserve it , but I was afraid they were n't the sort of people to make wills and the house would go to the Crown or whatever they do in these cases . ’
14 But I was afraid you might feel like that . ’
15 I wanted to introduce myself , but I was afraid she 'd think me … ’
16 Of course I did n't mean that the end of the book was very like your own experience , but I was afraid it might be too close for your comfort .
17 ‘ I 'm most frightfully sorry , ’ Pamela put on her best dotty Englishwoman voice , ‘ but I 'm afraid their not here .
18 ‘ It 's his birthday , Monsieur Armand , but I 'm afraid we were spoiling it by having a political discussion . ’
19 We have received so many wonderful letters on Tailwaggers but I 'm afraid we have n't room to print them all here .
20 ‘ We now have a very healthy nationwide membership that 's growing all the time , but I 'm afraid we still do n't have many members from Newquay , supposedly the country 's surf capital .
21 ‘ Well , do n't shout at me — but I 'm afraid we 're lost . ’
22 We think it might be voles , we think it could be squirrels , we do n't seriously think it 's anything bigger but I 'm afraid we do n't think there 's anything you can do about it but if you want further investigation then if you send these objects to Fred care of the programme , he will give you a personal diagnosis .
23 A lot of the tourists go over to the other side of the island , but I 'm afraid we 'll have to save that for another trip when we have more time . ’
24 ‘ I 'd like to discuss this further with you , but I 'm afraid we must leave for the hospital now , ’ he told her smoothly , his lips twitching with amusement at her trembling rage and fury .
25 ‘ Well , judging from the size of the village , there may well be room for us if we 're to be content with small animals only , but I 'm afraid we 'll never get any farm work .
26 But I 'm afraid they may accuse me of lying . ’
27 Well that I can remember belongs to Mary but I 'm afraid they 're not very strong .
28 But I 'm afraid what I have to say to you could n't wait . ’
29 It must have looked very bad , but I 'm afraid one does n't always stop to think how a situation appears to an outsider . ’
30 I think it would be very exciting if they were changing , but I 'm afraid one has to be a reluctant revolutionary at the moment — there really is no evidence for that view .
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