Example sentences of "but [pron] will probably [be] " in BNC.

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1 Aubrey 's keen to go but I 'll probably be bored .
2 Maybe I 'll try to understand — but I 'll probably be too busy packing .
3 Social Services Departments vary in the way they register childminders , but you will probably be visited in your home and be given some forms to complete .
4 if you do not have an account , you can still ask about borrowing money , but you will probably be expected to open an account with the bank .
5 There will be no terrorism , Palestinians forecast , and no systematic ‘ armed struggle ’ against Israeli soldiers , but there will probably be a growth in occasional , selective operations — like the recent killing of two soldiers in Gaza — intended to add a judicious edge of real pain to the innocuous rebellion of the stones .
6 In the long term , should the change be approved , it may well reduce controversy on the court , but there will probably be any amount of controversy in the run up to any such potential change , not least because it affects all of us , you , me … and them , the professionals .
7 What you perceive will be different from what I perceive but there will probably be overlap .
8 How many such personnel there are in an agency and exactly what they are called depends on the agency , but there will probably be , reading from the top position down , an account director , perhaps an account manager , an account executive , and an assistant account executive .
9 But he 'll probably be needing a new job soon . ’
10 Anton 's likely to play at Brighton on Saturday but he 'll probably be away on Monday and it would be difficult to play him on Wednesday . ’
11 I , not how much is in it , but it 'll probably be about that much in bottom .
12 That 's quite a good i , go and get one and see that you cover it tin foil if you want but it 'll probably be alright as it is .
13 When you have shared years of happiness and companionship , making that final choice seems like an act of treachery but it will probably be the kindest , bravest decision you will have made for your pet .
14 ‘ It must sometimes be the case that I bring British fish back to London , but it will probably be in better condition than if it had been bought there as foreign agents insist on good transport and packing . ’
15 Digital cameras will become more popular as the quality of image improves and the price falls , but it will probably be well into the next century before they become firmly established .
16 But it will probably be around the time of the Full Moon on the 14th that you decide enough is enough and when you realise that success , solace or excitement can only be found in a different setting .
17 I ca n't explain why , but it will probably be for good .
18 Some are further ahead than others , but what will probably be expected of most authorities is some sort of erm perhaps a handbook or certainly some advice to parents about the implications of the new Act .
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