Example sentences of "but [pron] [adv] occurred to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Forgive me if I seem to be playing the amateur sleuth once again , but something else occurred to me the other day , which might or might not be of interest to you . ’
2 On the day I moved in my Mother had warned me not to let him rule my life like he 'd ruled my Father 's , but it never occurred to me to disobey him and seemed natural to follow the ‘ week planner ’ he 'd written out and pinned to the notice-board in the kitchen : Monday — Washing Tuesday — Ironing Wednesday — Youth Club etc .
3 There were many openings they might have exploited , but it never occurred to them to do so .
4 There used to be guns in the house , of course , but it never occurred to me to look if they were still there .
5 OK , I knew I was better than anyone in my school , but it never occurred to me that I might do it as a profession . ’
6 She was n't sure if he would come , but it never occurred to her not to go to the rock where they had met before .
7 Of this period Glass says ; ‘ I loved Charlie Parker and Bud Powell but it never occurred to me to play their music .
8 ‘ I loved Charlie Parker and Bud Powell but it never occurred to me to play their music .
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