Example sentences of "but [adj] do [adv] seem " in BNC.

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1 I have also had all internal cavities sprayed professionally with nickel screening paint from Maplin , but that does n't seem to have made any odds .
2 It was before he and Paul lived together , but that does n't seem to make any difference .
3 This regime , however , did not always guarantee a satisfactory result , as in the case of the tower he added to Wroxton church , Oxfordshire ( 1747–8 ) , the top stage of which rapidly collapsed — as Walpole pointedly reported : ‘ Mr Miller … unluckily once in his life happened to think rather of beauty than of the water-tables , and so it fell down the first winter ’ — but that does not seem to have affected his popularity .
4 It is , of course , true that some wrappers might come from the chocolate which had already been bought or from chocolate which would have been bought without the offer , but that does not seem to me to alter the case .
5 We all know that there are crimes for which the penalties go up to life imprisonment , but that does not seem to cover the point raised so eloquently by my hon. Friend the Member for Glasgow , Shettleston ( Mr. Marshall ) .
6 I knew there was nothing I could do but that did n't seem to be the point .
7 The music was predominately '60s and '70s pop , but that did n't seem to bother the inimitable Mr Hurst : he was last seen , tie and jacket discarded , dancing to the old Rolling Stones track , ‘ ( I Ca n't Get No ) Satisfaction ’ .
8 Hell , if I was really lucky he might stop talking to me altogether , I thought … but that did n't seem likely .
9 The merchants occasionally killed one , but that did n't seem discouragement enough ; there were always new recruits .
10 He was a tall , red-haired man , according to the descriptions he had one shoulder higher than the other , but that did n't seem to prevent him being attractive to women .
11 I do not know why but that did not seem to register with me at the time , and it did not until there was a third assault on the door .
12 Long term insect action may produce modifications similar to that produced by wood-boring insects on dead wood ( Behrensmeyer , 1978 ; Thorne & Kimsey , 1983 ) , but this does not seem to be common .
13 Schrader refers to the short , written out cadenza-like flourish just before the final cadences of the Prelude in F minor BWV534 as a precedent , but this does not seem justification enough , particularly as the cadenza he provides in this case is much more than merely a brief manual flourish .
14 We found no change of practice in our study , but this does not seem to be due to a lack of use of management awareness profiles by the maternity units .
15 Over recent years much work has been done to promote more positive images of women in mathematics , but this does not seem to have developed into a comparable awareness concerning race or class .
16 The wage differential ( ) has been treated as representing the effects of unionization , but this does not seem a particularly satisfactory way of investigating union behaviour .
17 For instance , in his discussion about " navigable rivers " he actually says that the phrase : ( 24 ) the only navigable river unambiguously expresses the characteristic notion , and not that of being true for some particular occasion ; but this does not seem to give an indisputable picture of normal English usage , and the same goes for his remark about : ( 25 ) the only river navigable which he describes as " unambiguously occasion " .
18 But this does not seem to make much difference to the behaviour . )
19 Crystal ( 1969 ) defines paralinguistic features as : ‘ … vocal effects which are primarily the result of physiological mechanisms other than the vocal cords , such as the direct results of the workings of the pharyngeal , oral or nasal cavities ’ but this does not seem to me to fit the facts .
20 The Club obviously preferred to have a public supply but this did not seem easy to arrange for the Minutes frequently talk about ‘ bringing pressure to bear on the Water Companies ’ .
21 The window was barred on the outside but this did not seem unreasonable as there was only one thin wall of barbed wire as defence for the whole camp .
22 Chemiluminescence was also inhibited by indomethacin , but this did not seem to be related to inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase .
23 The structure of the databases in terms of input and output formats must have been identical or similar but this did not seem to be sufficiently argued , instead the plaintiff concentrated on an argument that the structure of the two programs must have been similar .
24 Adam said all right , not to worry , he would manage without , but this did n't seem to please Lewis either .
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