Example sentences of "he [verb] ever [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No king before him had ever assumed so complete a spiritual leadership of the English church .
2 This year , the phoenix has risen from its ashes , a phoenix in brighter plumage than he has ever worn before .
3 He is convinced this is the best Fermanagh side he has ever played on , and adamant that the county 's emergence is no overnight success .
4 It was so far outside anything he 'd ever seen before that his mind was n't letting him worry about it .
5 He still shot a 68 , driving better than he 'd ever done before , using a club acquired from Eamonn Darcy only a month before .
6 They did work in er two worked in two different quarries but within a week or a fortnight that young lad approached one of our members and said he 's sorry that he 'd ever gone back and I said to him well come back and join us and forget it all .
7 This was unlike anything he 'd ever heard before .
8 Unlike anything he had ever felt before .
9 The intensity was more than he had ever felt before .
10 The longest he had ever stayed off was six months , at the first attempt .
11 His family , after his death , denied that he had ever done so .
12 Gazzer felt closer to Marie now than he had ever done before , and it mattered to him very much that she should take him seriously .
13 The same hand tapped Charlie on the shoulder a moment later , and off he ran , faster than he had ever run before , despite having to carry a rifle in one hand and a pack on his back .
14 His latest speech seemed to go further than he had ever gone before in advocating force to achieve the kind of England he wanted .
15 It was difficult to believe that he had ever lived here .
16 Mr Springer joined the party 25 years ago , and admitted that this era could be the most difficult he had ever lived through .
17 It was the worst time he had ever lived through .
18 It was the only thing he had ever stood out for .
19 It was a puzzle , really , how he had ever risen as high as assistant bank manager , although there were rumours that his immediate superior , Mr Quigley , had been confined to a lunatic asylum after claiming that aliens were about to take over South-West London .
20 The boy turned away , the fluidity of the sudden movement — so unlike anything he had ever seen before — surprising Hammond .
21 Importantly for Nicholson , this quirk in the social order was all that was needed to give him the kick-start he required , and it also provided him with more money than he had ever earned before .
22 Raper was jailed for two years and Allen for six months , Sir Nicolas saying it was one of the most serious contempts he had ever come across .
23 After all , he was better-looking than any man he had ever come across .
24 He only knew that Liza was the most sexually exciting woman he had ever come across and that , should they meet again , neither would be able to hold back from a passion which was so powerful it could only lead to trouble , about which his wife might come to hear .
25 Harley Street psychoanalyst Michael Whitenburgh admitted it was the most bizarre case he had ever come across .
26 Time and again , that woman had shown herself to be as scheming and ruthless as any criminal-minded rogue he had ever come across ; with the exception of his good self , of course .
27 It was as if the boy was somehow both more and , at the same time , less human than anyone he had ever come across .
28 Such was the opposition to the plan for closure of a school in the Bro Dysynni area of South Meirionydd , put forward by an education authority panel , that one senior councillor , Dr William George , described the vote in the county council chamber as the ‘ most sweeping ’ he had ever come across .
29 He spoke more seriously than he had ever spoken before .
30 Myles had more understanding and sympathy for this character than for all the others he had ever read about .
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