Example sentences of "for the [noun sg] [prep] others " in BNC.

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1 The Suffering Servant — one who would suffer for the evil/sin of others ( e.g. Is 52 : 13 — 53 : 12 ) Modern examples e.g. Dietrich Bonhoeffer , Anne Frank , Franz Jagerstatter
2 It once being realized that one can desire things other than pleasure , there is no reason to fudge the fact that people evidently have , to some extent , a desire for the happiness of others , whether of people in general or of particular people .
3 This is called benevolence , more especially so when it takes the broad form of a wish for the happiness of others in general .
4 The obituary in the Journal of the London Association of foremen , engineers , and draughtsmen recalled that ‘ she was a remarkable personage with a great knowledge of engineering matters and considerable versatility of talent ’ , and ‘ how cheery and thoughtful for the happiness of others she was … she was the only lady , it is believed , who ever wrote and read a scientific paper , illustrated by diagrams and drawings made by herself , before the members of a Scientific Institution . ’
5 Once through the hall door , massive under its fanlight and fitted with a brass lock as big as a bible , and down the steps on to the gravel , Nicandra changed back into whatever sort of purposeful animal all the long-sustained acts of kindness and thoughts for the happiness of others had left in her .
6 Supposing the sentence read : ‘ It is also argued that it is inconsistent with human dignity that a man should use his muscles as a crane for transporting someone else 's goods ’ ; or ‘ that a woman should use her vocal cords for the delectation of others ’ ; or ‘ that a person should use his or her brain to work out someone else 's income tax ’ — would these substitutes carry convictions ?
7 Where , however , the cost of providing a service is balanced or overtopped by amounts received for the service from others to whom it is provided , the man in the street might well , and probably would , say that the provider had incurred no expense in providing the particular benefit under consideration .
8 Women , being in touch with the sense of cyclical change and the life cycle , may be well equipped to see how things need to be integrated , what factors are needed for the development of others , how things flow from one another , how we can keep in touch with our humanness .
9 He divided the negative states of mind into seven groups which corresponded to his seven groups of intestinal bacteria These were : fear , indecision or uncertainty , indifference , loneliness , over-sensitivity to influences and ideas , despair or despondency and over-concern for the welfare of others .
10 Nonetheless , Butler showed that there is little justification for taking egoistic hedonism , or even an egoistic psychology which is not hedonistic , as based on obvious fact , and that the initial presumption must be that concern for the welfare of others is what it seems , the direct wish for their welfare .
11 By contrast , rational man is an egotist , who maximises his own self interest and has ‘ only limited concern ’ for the welfare of others .
12 And moreover that there is latent in every human being this desire , a desire for the welfare of others .
13 Quite clearly , if you have a strong need for the company of others then a technical research job where you are largely left to your own devices may prove stressful — unless you do a lot of extra-curricular socialising as compensation .
14 A proud , powerful creature with little need for the company of others — or no , an eagle rather , flying high above the crowd .
15 The Wessex Regional Transfusion Centre wishes to thank those members of the staff of AEA Technology who gave their blood for the benefit of others on Tuesday , 12 and Wednesday , 13 January 1993 .
16 No rinky-dink polite trickle for the benefit of others .
17 Saddam has never been known for doing something for the benefit of others .
18 Not for the benefit of others , he never does anything for the benefit of others , one can only feel that he sees some advantage in releasing these British people .
19 Not for the benefit of others , he never does anything for the benefit of others , one can only feel that he sees some advantage in releasing these British people .
20 Such duties derive from decisions of the Courts of Chancery in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , intended to ensure that persons/trustees who held assets or provided services for the benefit of others did so in good faith and for the benefit of those they represented .
21 A trustee holds money or property for the benefit of others .
22 Again , although not guaranteed to be foolproof , the basic philosophy of the techniques described should provide a good starting point for the work of others .
23 In a glowing vision of The ascent of man ( 1894 ) , Drummond acknowledged the Darwinian struggle for life , but he also referred to a struggle for the life of others .
24 This is true of murder , altruism , revolution , the sacrifice of certain interests for the size of others — almost any morally important act .
25 This may take her some time to really believe ( probably not until she 's around three ) , but eventually it 'll give her a healthier respect for the pain of others .
26 The profession accepts a responsibility to encourage and facilitate the self-realisation of each individual person with due regard for the interest of others . ’
27 It teaches a child to let go of his own will for the sake of others , with whom he has to live and let live .
28 That the programme was taking place at all was an amazing thing in itself , but when I heard people in the studio audience talking of the need to sacrifice the hostages now for the sake of others in the future , just as they had in Day to Day nine months previously , I wondered why so few people seemed to share my view that we were being duped into believing that teaching the terrorists a lesson was the sole issue .
29 Charlotte says she can only bear to recount it for the sake of others who may feel they 're totally alone in their plight .
30 All citizens have a responsibility to be involved in the politicoeconomic decisions which influence the AL of maintaining a safe environment — not necessarily for their own safety , but for the safety of others and especially for their children and , indeed , their children 's children .
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