Example sentences of "i had [adv] been able " in BNC.

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1 I was allowed to record each group and I found the transcribing of the tapes less arduous as I had also been able to make notes .
2 The nightmares stopped instantly after this explanation , and I was able to give lectures , stand up for myself and speak in public — all of which I had never been able to do before . ’
3 I had never been able to understand them then , but I sympathized with them now .
4 I had never been able to do that , not with such unselfconscious pleasure , perhaps because deep down I had resented his existence which was preventing me doing all the marvellous things I had intended to do in the world .
5 I had never been able to persuade her to accept any money for her kindness and tried to reciprocate by doing any small repairs she needed to her flat , and by supplying occasional tickets for the theatre , for the tennis at Wimbledon , and for the races at Epsom .
6 Even when she was well , I had never been able to relax because I never knew from one day to the next how I was going to find her .
7 ‘ And you , ’ I asked , hungry to question a culture I had only been able to observe , ‘ what do you consider yourself to be ? ’
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