Example sentences of "i [was/were] sitting in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was as though I were sitting in a movie and my actions were flashing in front of my eyes .
2 One Saturday evening , when I had been apprenticed to Joe for four years , he and I were sitting in the pub , with some of the villagers , listening to Mr Wopsle .
3 One night my mother , my father and I were sitting in the dining room .
4 And I always think back to the er the time I think Edmund and I were sitting in the back garden here and deciding that we 'd go off and join the paratroopers
5 I was sitting in a friend 's garden where I had gone to seek the Lord , and as I was reading the words of Jesus I knew , with a peace and a joy which passed understanding , the call of God .
6 I was sitting in a corner with Ann Sheridan , just a few tables away from Bogie and Mayo .
7 Michael , at a push , will admit to being the most sensible of the three ; Andy , Mr Agreeable and Fyfe , Mr Invisible ( ‘ I was sitting in a cab with someone from the record company and they turned round to Andy and said ‘ Where 's your drummer ? ’ )
8 I was sitting in a chair when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me : if a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight .
9 I was sitting in a row exactly in front of Harold Wilson and his party , and during the last interval I heard him ask his neighbour whether anyone would ‘ have seen these plays right through ’ .
10 For three hours I was sitting in a dressing gown .
11 I was sitting in a congealed pool of stickiness .
12 I was sitting in a large cinema , with a lot of other people , and there was an American guy talking about the effects of nuclear war .
13 Unbeknown to me , she made some enquiries , and then one Friday , while I was sitting in the coffee shop having a quiet read of a newspaper someone had left , she appeared by my side .
14 Within my first week or so in the House , I was sitting in the Smoking Room reading a book .
15 A man at the back of the crowd said , ‘ I was sitting in the dome car lounge when Xanthe came through , and I can tell you that no one had come the other way .
16 I was sitting in the make-up chair and I felt like the ugliest piece of shit there ever was .
17 I was sitting in the office recently , finishing a shift .
18 He said : ‘ I was sitting in the TV station next to a large man with glasses and beard and I felt I knew him .
19 THE LAST TIME I WAS IN Baghdad I was sitting in the bar of the famous , and famously dreadful , Al Rashed ( ‘ It is more than a hotel , ’ say the advertisements , though they do n't tell you in what way ) , drinking with a senior government official .
20 The next morning I was sitting in the garden in the sun when suddenly I saw young Rupert of Hentzau on horse- back coming through the trees towards me .
21 There was one occasion when I was sitting in the kitchen and I heard the front door close , and then footsteps in the hall .
22 I was sitting in the car park and I appreciated the area very much , it was nice , clean area but when I came to Walsall it was smoky and dirty area I 'm sorry to say that and er , but I had no alternative but to stay here because my father was here , I had no money and er , I thought because of relations job prospects might be better here than elsewhere .
23 I was sitting in the carriage and a family was there .
24 It was half-past — two in the morning and I was sitting in the front passenger seat in dad 's Cortina while my sister Jean , who was driving , sent it hurtling down the road towards Carlisle .
25 It 's only a few days since I was sitting in the seats you all occupy , realising the difficult job that a Lord Mayor has to undertake in keeping members in order .
26 And it merely occurred to me , actually I was sitting in the unemployment benefit office and I said to them er er at one of my interviews ,
27 I was sitting in the sitting-room about to make a cup of coffee when I heard a huge bang and I thought the whole house was going to cave in .
28 I was sitting in the TV room when I heard this bang .
29 Actually I 've been I was sitting in the lounge today right and you know the situation there see his car going round the corner and stop and got out the car beaming at me , I said cor give him my old !
30 Yeah , I was sitting in the sun as well , over by the window there .
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