Example sentences of "i [vb mod] die [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could n't ; I should die of fright , ’ Claudia said , alarmed at the very thought of walking on stage in full view of an audience .
2 Then I found myself shouting , inside my head , ‘ I 'll die of AIDS .
3 I 'll die of thirst after all that effort . ’
4 I 'll die of boredom if I live that long —
5 But for this thought , I truly believe I could die in peace . ’
6 She had affected what she considered a posh English accent and I 'd die with embarrassment in the French pastry shop when , pointing with her little finger , she 'd say ; ‘ Emm !
7 REGARDING the wolf whistling debate , should I ever receive such a gesture I think I 'd die of shock , But should some young , dishy male give me a whistle I would probably give a wink and a whistle back .
8 I 'd die of boredom instead .
9 ‘ I used to think I 'd die of cholera on the spot . ’
10 ‘ You and I would die of frostbite .
11 Never ! 'Cos I would die of shame if I retaliated and hit back ; and I would , because I 've levelled men almost as big as you before today , and you know it . ’
12 I would die of shame !
13 At first I thought I would die of hunger , as I could not eat the Yahoos ' dirty meat or the Houys ' grass and corn .
14 Ah , the boat and the Channel this morning , I thought I would die of sickness .
15 ‘ I feel I shall die of misery … when I die I want written on my tombstone : ‘ Here Lies a Child Who Perished Miserably From Homesickness ’ . '
16 ‘ I expect I shall die of exposure , ’ went on Anne , piqued by Joan 's lack of concern .
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