Example sentences of "i hope [pers pn] will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I hope ye 'll give it plenty of thought . ’
2 I hope they 'll pay , ’ said Tina .
3 I hope they 'll pay the rent for him when he eventually finds himself out on his ear . ’
4 I hope they 'll rescind that .
5 You ca n't say that it 's not helping bring people to the Sugar shows but after one show I hope they 'll forget about everything else .
6 I hope they 'll know how to show manners . ’
7 ‘ Supporters have been brilliant since I took over and I hope they will continue to back the team .
8 The headmaster , Derek Knight , said ‘ I hope they will gather dust ’ .
9 When they lock the man up with Jim and John and Henry and Mary and Dolores and Grace — I hope they will give him access to books , with paper enough for him to go on making translations for us from the classics such as we have never seen except at his hands in our language .
10 I hope they will intervene again .
11 ‘ As many our modern dames want the modesty of women , I hope they will have the courage of men and … drive the French back again if they invade us . ’
12 You could then relate their interest in the sea to what the bride and groom will have in common , ‘ I hope they will have many happy voyages/sailing trips together , ’ and finally relate your subject to the wider issue of marriage , ‘ and enjoy the voyage of life together ’ .
13 Lawrence added : ‘ I know it has been an expensive season for fans , but I hope they will dig deep to back the team in their final home game . ’
14 I was the only Englishman present , but if any English members of 406 Sqn should read this I hope they will contact me .
15 I hope they will challenge the images which restrain and persecute older people at present , and seek to shift public attitudes about the nature of old age .
16 I hope they will allow access to hopes and expectations that partnerships can achieve profoundly important objectives which not only secure economic needs , but also transform how education is delivered , governed and perceived .
17 ‘ But I hope they will allow independent investigators access to the inquiry . ’
18 At the beginning of the 1990s when art practices are moving away from the collective and political , I hope they will find a way to develop her practice further , in their own right , towards the future .
19 ‘ I need two or three good club games under my belt first and if I do well in those I hope they will include me in the team again . ’
20 I hope they will get used to that because it is indispensable that some people should make more money .
21 I think most of the issues that have been raised tonight already , are ones for the police authority and I hope they will get on with their job .
22 I hope we 'll stay here .
23 It 's something I hope we 'll talk about again .
24 what , what I hope we 'll do next week is to , is to take that idea up and to see maybe why this policy came through erm and we 'll look at the , like the arithmetic of that as to , as to how much money there was , how much land there was in fact .
25 I hope we 'll meet again . ’
26 I hope we 'll meet again some time . ’
27 I hope we 'll allow her to make her own mistakes , ’ says Kathie .
28 I hope we 'll see a bit more of you , Miss Mitchell , ’ said Lucy Haynes , it seemed to Meredith a trifle wistfully .
29 But a lot of these things come quite naturally er I hope we 'll see on when we look at the video that really I do n't think anybody had a major problem with the voice er and the words as well when you 're talking about two million pounds so in terms of the voice I do n't believe anybody has any major problems .
30 Yes , I can probably give you a brief answer , because er , in that you 've raised a whole host of other things , erm , which erm , er , we need to , we need to think about and , and debate , and I hope we 'll have further occasions to do so .
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