Example sentences of "i [verb] [art] doubt [that] " in BNC.

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1 Master Parry , pray pardon also a summons at such short notice , but the case we have to judge concerns you nearly , and I make no doubt that your daughter 's wellbeing is your first anxiety .
2 My Lords , I feel no doubt that counsel were right to take this course .
3 I share the doubt that has been expressed about that change .
4 ‘ The delays involved were altogether unacceptable in my view and I had no doubt that they amounted to maladministration . ’
5 I had no doubt that there would be a YS contingent with a red flag and that I would ‘ react physically ’ to any attempt to remove it .
6 I had no doubt that I would be going back to the university , ’ he says from his home in Princeton , New Jersey .
7 I had no doubt that this was the black spot .
8 Although I found it impossible to imagine such a conversation with Mrs Monro , I had no doubt that Lili was telling the truth , and whatever the psychological convolutions the facts were there .
9 But yes but e e but er but when the spirit quickens you as an individual , at least I had no doubt that he was good .
10 Anyway , with the enthusiasm of youth I had no doubt that we should be able to cope with life in remote parts for a few years .
11 I had no doubt that he would say that .
12 I had no doubts that he was going to pick up the package .
13 I had no doubts that he could deal with Shakespeare 's text .
14 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
15 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
16 Certainly , you are not yet a man , although I 've no doubt that one day soon , you will make a fine young man . ’
17 He 's a highly talented rider with a hunger for success and if the Yamaha is up to it — and I 've no doubt that it is — than we could be celebrating a single figure placing tomorrow , and that really would be something .
18 Yes , and I 've no doubt that our representative on the A C C will take it up as well again .
19 I mean I 've no doubt that my health suffered as a result of the the conditions that I worked under and I think
20 I will ring him again this afternoon , but it 's May day and I I 've no doubt that Beeston wo n't be authorising their C P Os to work on a bank holiday
21 Oh , I 've no doubt that somewhere down the line these things are are built it , but what I 'm saying is that the majority of dealers these days are including it within the package and saying look this vehicle comes with it completely because there is such erm a demand for this erm type of insurance .
22 Last week , an announcement on er further steps on acid rain — six thousand million pounds ; I mean there 's big , big money in there already committed and I 've no doubt that when the need is shown , there 'll be greater money still spent — which will either be taxpayer 's money or customer 's money .
23 I have no doubt that dedicated woodturners everywhere would scoff at the idea of engineers ' lathes being used for woodturners , but when I think of the various moulds and patterns I have made over the years with comparative ease but which due to their intricacies could only have been made with extreme difficulty on a wood lathe — if at all .
24 I have no doubt that others will be added .
25 Having been to confession and passed through ‘ the wall of fire ’ , Lewis wrote to Sister Penelope , ‘ the suggestion about an orgy of egoism turns out , like all the Enemy propaganda , to have just a grain of truth in it , but I have no doubt that the proper method of dealing with that is as I intend to do , to continue the practice .
26 Judge Rivlin , sentencing Darby , said : ‘ I have no doubt that you were a leading light in the organisation of the first party and that you were the leading light in the second and third parties . ’
27 And I have no doubt that they have set that cause back further than they ever know . ’
28 I have no doubt that if the ground is in his favour Carvill 's Hill will start a good favourite and few will want to oppose him .
29 John MacGregor , Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food I have no doubt that there is indeed a serious public health problem associated with salmonella enteridis phase 4 in eggs in this country .
30 I thought of hypothetical dangers — murderers , rapists ; and I have no doubt that such are abroad at night in the most unlikely of places at the most unlikely of times .
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