Example sentences of "i [verb] often [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , but thing is I mean , you know , there 's a lot of kids out there , I mean I 've know with , sort of , Lee 's friend you know , okay , with us I mean with Lee o okay we do n't I 've often said to him , why do n't you get a Saturday job ?
2 I 'd often thought of doing a TV commercial .
3 Then I bit into the first slice of bread ; home made , plastered thickly with farm butter and topped by a lavish layer of heather honey from the long row of hives I had often seen on the edge of the moor above .
4 I had often marvelled at it , but it made the present disaster all the more unbearable .
5 Something wondering and recapitulatory in his tone brought to mind the way I had often spoken of Jess in her absence : odd , I thought , the way men tended to prize their partners more highly when they were elsewhere ; almost as though the idea of relationship was more satisfactory than its practice .
6 I 've often felt like this since , mostly on occasions connected with Jenny .
7 I 've got out of the way of , I 've often said to Dinda , you know , I would n't mind going back to an open fire in the winter .
8 I 've often prayed for death , Ellen .
9 Mind , there was one night that I 've often thought about .
10 But I 've often thought about buying a mine detector or what ever you call it , and , but you see there was an old churchyard down here too .
11 A door leads to them , and I 've often thought about taking the door off .
12 I 've often thought of you .
13 they 're they are very useful , I 've often thought of having some made
14 I 've often wondered about the origin of Evan 's encyclopaedic knowledge on this topic .
15 And the people used to sharpen it to a point , why the Slippery Elm I do n't know , I 've often wondered about it really , but his person I 'm telling you about she she was delivered of a good healthy boy and everything was alright .
16 I 've often wondered about the other two's gardens it , but you can see now ca n't you ?
17 Erm , I have children of my own , that I had naturally and I said yes , but with reservation because erm I I 've often wondered in the case of a handicapped baby er , that was born to a surrogate mother and the surrogate mother wanted to keep it simply because it was handicapped , or if she knew she was gon na have a handicapped baby the amniocentesis test and if she wanted to abort the baby but the mother-in-waiting did n't who would decide ?
18 I mean , I 've often spoken to you about how I hated the loneliness of my childhood — how warm and rich I found your family life .
19 I 've often read about you in the papers , and there were a couple of reports about you having killed people and — ’
20 I 've often walked past that picter .
21 I have often referred to my own fear when I was first required to make a horse jump a fence .
22 I have often said to the orchestra , especially to the younger players , ‘ Do your best , and love what you are doing , because you are allowed to do this thing . ’
23 As I have often said in these ‘ Notes ’ , Athletico is a forward-looking club and so thoughts must now turn to next season .
24 I have often succumbed to the graceful , bronzed beauty of Michael Deere and Terence Wade 's limbs as they power into action and imagine not John Motson or Alan Hansen commentating on another blistering attack , but David Attenborough in mildly hushed tones , comparing our boys with leaping gazelles or sprightly cheetahs .
25 To walk into a pub function room as I have often done during the ten years I was collecting fieldnotes and see two or three hundred detectives in their ‘ uniform ’ of modern suit and tie , neat haircut , and the fashionable moustache of the times , is to be visibly reminded that there is a narrow symbolic range of bodily correctness within which all policemen can properly operate .
26 … as I have often noted in this diary , Harold [ Wilson ] is extraordinarily sensitive on the issue of Party pledges , and when I approached him privately he said , ‘ This is a party pledge which has to be fulfilled ’ .
27 This is a vanity I have often noted in writers ; the more eminent the writer , the more pronounced this vanity is likely to be .
28 The cooperation of the Rotel has bee such that I have often gone into the ‘ play it again ’ mode on my regular machine because credibility was being strained .
29 BELVILLE : I have often observed in married folks that the lady soon grows careless in her dress , which to me shows a slight to her husband that she had not to her lover .
30 ‘ The first man they — let into the room — well , I have often wondered about him .
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