Example sentences of "it seems [adj] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seems indisputable that in a minority of cases , the causes of the disturbing behaviour are located wholly outside the responsibilities of the school and that the school is impotent in what it can offer .
2 It seems curious that for all those hard-riding , hard-drinking squires , the eternal search for a status symbol should have taken the form of building temples to nymphs and dryads .
3 So if you , I mean , to go back to our initial proposition , whilst on the face of it it seems curious that in the area in south China where one would expect land reform to be easiest to achieve the communists adopt a much more moderate , slower , cautious policy but for a whole variety of reasons we , we 're , we 're tending towards the view that that would be the most appropriate anyway .
4 Mr Branson commented : ‘ It seems sad that after having accepted such a modest level of compensation we were unable to conclude an agreement .
5 It seems certain that over the next few years the returns for all the work done did not satisfy Taylor , who wrote again in 1840 to the acting agent Moser , asking for a reduction of the Royalties to one-fifteenth .
6 It seems certain that to Modigliani she acted as stimulant , irritant and catalyst for his work .
7 Whatever the truth may be , it seems certain that for the decade 1900 to 1910 the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union had little impact upon the living standards of its members on British ships .
8 It seems unreasonable that with respect to the United States Nicaragua was able to claim invalidity of the 1914 treaty and not be liable for non-performance .
9 So on first consideration it seems odd that in the early days of planning The Possessed Dostoevsky should write to his friend Maikov and describe his new venture as ‘ like Crime and Punishment but even nearer to reality , even more urgent , and directly concerned with the most important contemporary question ’ .
10 It is is n't it ? it seems ironic that for me it seemed such a big thing , in case you still need it clear I was William 's nephew .
11 But it seems probable that in the period 1183–5 the Counts of Toulouse were able to recover much of the territory they had lost in 1159 , above all Cahors and the Quercy .
12 This seems unlikely now to lead to the formal designation of the three types of universities ( 'R' for research-based , ‘ X ’ for mixed , and ‘ T ’ for teaching only ) that has been mooted , but it seems probable that in practice the university system will become more overtly stratified than before ; there has always been an element of covert stratification , although this has often related to departments rather than whole institutions .
13 First , it seems possible that in most cases the conditional statements about what would be observed in certain circumstances can not all be verified , because there will be cases where if you verify one you lose the chance of verifying another .
14 It seems unlikely that in interpreting ( 28 ) the reader postulates any exact physical distance between the mother and the baby at the point before the mother picks the child up , or that he bothers to wonder whether the mother picks the child up after it has finished crying ( and if so how long after , in terms of minutes or seconds ) or whether the child was still crying when the mother picked it up .
15 However , it seems unlikely that in the foreseeable future they will attract sufficient students to make them viable as institutions predominantly offering courses of higher education .
16 It seems clear that at certain times some political and social regimes are more ‘ repressive ’ , both ideologically and physically ( as in the case of Nazi Germany ) than others .
17 It seems clear that at some point during this period Wilson determined to precipitate a showdown with the shipowners .
18 It seems clear that for women as well as for men , the expanding employment and rising incomes provided by manufacturing growth were a markedly regional phenomenon .
19 It seems clear that throughout the developmental period , certain factors can be identified which in certain circumstances will increase a person 's future psychiatric risk .
20 It seems clear that in a number of places the word for professional soldier has been misunderstood as meaning " thousand " .
21 When this approach is finally abandoned in the late eighth century , it is under the influence of eastern arts ; and it seems clear that in Geometric Greece there was no indigenous drawing , not on vases , of a freer kind .
22 It seems clear that in 1991 , as in 1990 and 1989 and after decades of decline , Britain 's portion of world trade in manufacturing exports will increase .
23 It seems likely that with traffic growth and the possible warming of Britain 's climate that they will increase .
24 It seems likely that at least some of the pathological effects of alcohol are related to its tissue concentration or the concentration of its metabolites , in particular acetaldehyde .
25 Insofar as there was any factual basis for people 's answers , it seems likely that for many it was MLR or bank base rate , which were between 12½ and 14 per cent at the time of the survey , and which are of course frequently mentioned in the press and on TV .
26 It seems likely that for a parent or spouse , the experience may well be comparable to the sorts of events and difficulties implicated in depression .
27 But in spite of all this it seems likely that during much of the nineteenth century this subterranean aspect of international relations was less important , and less prominent in the minds of both diplomats and policy-makers , than at any time in the last 300 years .
28 And in view of the later age of marriage and often long engagements of the Edwardian years , it seems likely that by the end of the nineteenth century there was a new degree of sexual restraint amongst many young adults of the working class .
29 It seems likely that in most species these two selection pressures interact to produce a compromise weighted according to ( a ) the particular foraging requirements of a species in a given habitat and ( b ) alternative means of protection from whatever predators may be present .
30 It seems likely that in every case , perhaps after much agonizing , they succumbed to the decision to ban News International publications : to do otherwise would have risked contractual misconduct , strong moral and political pressure from both colleagues and employers , and ultimately , probably , dismissal .
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