Example sentences of "it was clear from the " in BNC.

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1 It was clear from the reports on fifty-nine cells in this guberniia that collaboration between the party and the people was minimal .
2 It was clear from the start that American aid would only take place in the context of commitments to economic reform within Europe .
3 It was clear from the records of yields per hectare that the era of ‘ miracle ’ grains was over .
4 It was clear from the television film of that contest that her mastery of the instrument was awesome .
5 Although the 1944 Act did not provide detailed prescription for complementary relationships it was clear from the 1943 Education Bill that the LEAs were to be given the responsibility and duty to secure the development of adult education , in consultation with the universities and voluntary bodies .
6 It was clear from the start , however , that this race was going to be a final shoot-out between Mansell and Senna .
7 It was clear from the cumulative weight of these reports that Creed had already arrived .
8 The word Resident normally implied , at least officially , a preponderance of diplomatic over administrative duties , but it was clear from the beginning that a Lugardian Resident was expected to take on a large number of purely administrative tasks .
9 Lord Justice Scott said that , although on the face of the inspector 's covering letter the assessments appeared cumulative , it was clear from the individual assessments and the terms of the letter that only one sum would be assessed on whichever basis was ultimately appropriate .
10 However , it was clear from the whole tenor of the case that the tribunal had not been satisfied that there was no such vacancy for Ms Porter .
11 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
12 It was clear from the note this couple loved their daughter very much — but it seems they had just reached the end of their tether . ’
13 It was clear from the reports that he was an insanely jealous man who , for example , ‘ made [ his wife ] walk with her head down so she could n't see the bulge in men 's trousers ’ .
14 It was clear from the responses of other staff members that the science department 's experience in this area was regarded as a valuable springboard for wider developments across the curriculum .
15 Although this is phrased negatively , it was clear from the interview that the school had been very influential in shaping her enthusiasm for physics .
16 It was clear from the sentences imposed on the other defendants , one of whom was sentenced to three years ' imprisonment , that the sentencer considered that a longer sentence would have been appropriate if the appellant had been over 21 .
17 It was clear from the sentencer 's observations that he had given careful consideration to these matters .
18 It was clear from the governor 's demeanour that his invitation did not extend beyond the Americans , and the elderly mandarin remained standing apart with his son and his son 's wife .
19 In April of the same year it was clear from the interim report of the committee that recommendations would be proposed whereby building development would be controlled throughout the country and that compensation for the public acquisition of land would be set at the standard of 31 March 1939 .
20 It was clear from the beginning that the government was going to remain firm on the question of tenure , but a concerted campaign secured two concessions : the clause relating to the dismissal of senior staff was withdrawn and a statement guaranteeing academic freedom was written into the Bill .
21 It was clear from the stories . "
22 The word ‘ new ’ did not actually appear on the order form but nevertheless it was clear from the form that the car would come either from the manufacturer 's stock at the factory or off the production line .
23 It was clear from the work done then that , even after a full year , major changes in unemployment , self-employment , and employment taken up and ended within the group , were still occurring at a high rate .
24 Thus , it was clear from the composition of the new cabinet that , while foreign policy might follow a new direction , domestic policy would not change at all .
25 It was clear from the representations that had been made to the Chief Whip 's office that there were many on the back-benches who would oppose my succession ; there was no similar anti-Macmillan faction .
26 It was clear from the type of contract entered into ( purchase of seed to grow a commercial crop to be sold for profit ) that the likely loss , caused if the defendants supplied defective seed , would exceed the purchase price by such an amount ( namely the value of the ultimate crop ) that the limitation really amounted to a total exclusion of liability .
27 But now , when her mind travelled back , it was clear from the young man 's behaviour and some of the comments he had made that she had been suffering from myopia .
28 Head of fisheries David Jordan said : ‘ It was clear from the responses that opposition to the proposed scheme was widespread . ’
29 Directing the jury to acquit Bartman , the judge said it was clear from the evidence of a pathologist , Dr Iain West , that whoever killed Lady Cross would have been drenched in blood from her ‘ hideous ’ head wounds .
30 Yet it was clear from the outcome of the inquiry that about two-thirds of the topics which needed to be tackled involved people .
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