Example sentences of "it is easy [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Since all the schools follow the same teaching plan and since the content of the programme followed by children in the early years is less demanding academically than that followed by adolescents , it is easy to argue that teachers in the lower grades require less training .
2 It is easy to realise that in gusty conditions , if the glider is being flown slowly , the stall may occur high enough for a wing to drop and for an incipient spin to develop with even more serious results .
3 Although it is easy to appreciate that the polymer must be sufficiently wettable to sustain a coherent layer of tear fluid , it might be thought that all problems associated with wettability would be overcome by the presence of water in the material .
4 It is easy to see that this was a practical means of enclosing a large volume which then could be used for the storage of grain , and the profile is reminiscent of the gambrel-roofed hay barns in the USA .
5 It is easy to see that there are 12 pentagons on the ball .
6 It is easy to see that there is potential here for an undermining of Samuel .
7 It is a problem only afflicting women and only after puberty , so it is easy to see that the condition is connected with our hormones .
8 It is easy to see that , if this pivot is made , the resulting tableau is optimal for LP8 and has objective function value Since the coefficients in the objective function are integral , the objective function value of any feasible solution of problem 8 is integral and not greater than 192 .
9 Both Simon and Bladud have fatal attempts at flight , black magic and heresy in common , and it is easy to see that the two stories could have become confused .
10 It is easy to see that all work represents a fight against something , an attack upon the environment .
11 At the same time it is easy to see that group solidarity overrides all other loyalties and motives .
12 But it is easy to see that , for example , a young mother who had recently been left by her husband , and gone back to a ( very good ) job , would pile up several different low scores , all linked to the fact that she had just become a single parent .
13 When taken with the latitude allowed by the instruction to ‘ operate in the public interest ’ , it is easy to see that , with such imprecise targets , it was bound to be extremely difficult to assess the performance of nationalised industries .
14 When one notes that Jaguar 's pre-tax profits for the first half of 1989 had slumped to £1.4 million , it is easy to see that a company valuation of £1.6 billion might be considered rather high .
15 It is easy to see that would-be DIY funeral undertakers would be as welcome as a swarm of greenfly at the Chelsea flower show .
16 It is easy to see that it is intended to be consistent .
17 For those unions organised on a comprehensive , industrial basis it is easy to see that they would be likely to seek bargaining arrangements founded upon the extent of the product market .
18 Given these assertions , it is easy to see that one reason for the neglect of Freud by sociologists , especially in Britain and to a lesser extent in the United States , is as much due to the fact that intellectual fashions have changed as to anything intrinsic to Freud 's theory .
19 It is easy to see that at high prices consumers will only want to consume small quantities , while a fall in price will mean that demand increases .
20 From the following few recipes it is easy to see that there was never any one method of making English fruit creams and fools , and that over the past three centuries the two have fused .
21 It is easy to see that both ( i ) paraphrase and ( ii ) translation , if understood as the expression of the same content in different words , presuppose a dualist philosophy .
22 Without going into the details of modelling procedure , it is easy to see that there are now two sources of inefficiency rather than one .
23 It is easy to see that studying the growth and modifiability of neurons is a much harder task than describing them in the state you normally find them , so it is not surprising that much less is known , and all I can do here is to point out some of the interesting possibilities that are opening up .
24 Thus , if the two components are links pinned together it is easy to see that the " pin points " declared on each model should be coincident , and this will occur within the space of intersection ( whether described in terms of reference or local space parameters ) .
25 When you look more closely at this apparently innocent use of words , it is easy to see that it is all part of a very carefully engineered process .
26 It is easy to see that these information requirements expand considerably with the number of firms , product heterogeneity , spatial dispersion of markets , uncertainty about future demands and costs , rate of technological change , and the extent of threats from entry of new firms .
27 And , remember , that Times 12 Roman and Times 12 Italic are two different fonts so it is easy to see that users quickly began to experience problems .
28 In retrospect , it is easy to see that , should recruitment generally fall , ours would ( unless the nature of our recruitment changed first ) fall away disastrously .
29 It is easy to see that two non- ALT patterns fail to be distinct if and only if there are straightforward permutations of the communications , minimal acceptances and terminations of the first that match the second ( except for names of input variables and the various expressions , but preserving order of expressions ) .
30 It is easy to see that the simple recognition system of the toad would be utterly inadequate for an animal that must be able to distinguish between a large number of potentially edible objects .
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