Example sentences of "it is clear that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that sign language perception will involve both hemispheres .
2 The majority of the indigenous cattle of Scandinavia are naturally polled : it seems that the northern stockmen , who because of the demands of climate needed to house their animals for long periods , appreciated long ago that horns could be awkward at close quarters and it is clear that polled stock were deliberately bred in Scandinavia from early times .
3 As the implications of another disastrous election defeat begin to be analysed , it is clear that calls for the Labour Party to embrace PR as a way of breaking the Tory stranglehold are gaining in strength .
4 How far Anselm had travelled along this road , and how much further he would still travel , are questions to which an answer must be sought in the reign of Henry I. But it is clear that Anselm in exile was beginning to see events , if not through Hildebrandine eyes , at least with shades of Hildebrandine colour .
5 It is clear that finance , even for a small museum , can not be taken lightly , but this is generally felt to be a project that the Society should go ahead with , if at all possible .
6 First , it is clear that putting the National Union of Public Employees , the National and Local Government Officers Association and the Confederation of Health Service Employees back in the driving seat will never solve the problem .
7 From ( 9–20b ) it is clear that ensures that the variance of earnings capacity converges to .
8 Because she alone has the capacity to give birth to and nurse children , her primary function is seen as one of mother and homemaker … it is clear that working occupies a more important place in the lives of men than women .
9 While it is clear that compounds with antithrombin or antiplatelet properties may enhance and sustain the action of thrombolytic agents , their optimum use and potential haemorrhagic side-effects remain to be explored .
10 Thus it is clear that to develop heavy industry one must increase the supply of products at all costs and by all means .
11 It is clear that established units ( i.e. those with established senses ) are more central than unestablished ones : an ideal dictionary would be expected to define all the established senses within each lexeme .
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