Example sentences of "it is possible [that] he " in BNC.

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1 If that is the case , then it is possible that he also thought that the synagogue ritual , as well as the direction of their commercial life and benefactions should have been handled differently .
2 Already in 1926 ( The New Republic , 30 June ) Tate was obliged — faced with the aridity in diction and imagery of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ — to concede that ‘ It is possible that he has nothing more to say in poetry ’ .
3 It is possible that he may still be a candidate for the post of Speaker of the House of Commons .
4 It is possible that he suspected Margaret 's love for him was more than just admiration or affection .
5 With his junior staff loyally taking the blame and trying to pretend he knew nothing about it ( despite his signature on the 17 January presidential order ) , Reagan began to believe he had known nothing about it and it is possible that he did not know what he was signing .
6 Betty Rizzo believes it is possible that he edited both volumes .
7 Rizzo maintains no more than that it is possible that he wrote the poem .
8 He is not easy at the hostel and it is possible that he will have to return to hospital , but at the moment he is not certifiable . ’
9 As he was a brilliant classical scholar , it is possible that he realized that what he had discovered was in line with one of Hippocrates ' systems , formulated so many centuries before .
10 Even with his authority flouted , in spite of all manner of provocation , it is possible that he still loved his eldest son , at least when Vincent was absent .
11 ‘ Then it is possible that he will be planning to spend some time in Tbilisi .
12 If Kirwan is serious — and hooker Sean Fitzpatrick assures us he is — then it is possible that he will not wear the silver fern again because , even though Alex Wyllie is no longer in contention , there 's no guarantee that Hart will get the job .
13 In time of war , it is possible that he would become the ‘ representative ’ of Stavka ( the Supreme High Command ) and transmit orders directly from Moscow .
14 Beccaria starts by looking at the justification of the right to punish ; he concludes that it is to be found in the social contract whose central tenet he declares to be ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ ( it is possible that he is responsible for originating this particular cliché ) .
15 Thomas seems to have reconsidered his allegiance by 1471 , although it is possible that he actually died on Warwick 's side and that his inclusion among those remembered springs from his father 's later links with Gloucester .
16 Mancini 's account is an inversion of that suggested here , but it is possible that he had the spectrum of conciliar opinion right and then misread its implications .
17 It is possible that he was simply protecting the feeding territory for the benefit of his own offspring .
18 It is possible that he now established Anna 's brother , Aethelhere ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) in his place , to judge from Aethelhere 's presence in Penda 's army at the Winwaed , if not as a dependent ruler at least as an ally ( HE 111 , 24 ) .
19 It may be that Aethelwald 's genealogy does not survive because his family did not claim descent from Ida and it is possible that he was descended from Oswine of Deira .
20 It is not known how he was related to former kings of Mercia , but it is possible that he represented a line claiming descent from Penda .
21 It is possible that he did kill , but having killed , took thought to cover what he had done .
22 Between 1193 and 1201 it is possible that he is to be identified with a master Elias , steward to Gilbert de Glanville , bishop of Rochester [ q.v. ] , a close friend and kinsman of Hubert Walter .
23 It is possible that he contributed to early issues of the newsbook , but there is no evidence that he was responsible for editing it , and nothing in his future career or conduct to link him directly with the Levellers .
24 It is possible that he is the Benjamin Badham , son of John Badham of Pembridge , gentleman , who matriculated at Brasenose College , Oxford , on 8 April 1701 , aged twenty-four .
25 But Mr Bellford works very hard , and it is possible that he has amnesia .
26 It is possible that he achieves his object .
27 Thomas seems to have reconsidered his allegiance by 1471 , although it is possible that he actually died on Warwick 's side and that his inclusion among those remembered springs from his father 's later links with Gloucester .
28 Mancini 's account is an inversion of that suggested here , but it is possible that he had the spectrum of conciliar opinion right and then misread its implications .
29 A contemporary Christ Church gospel book records the entry of Cnut and his brother Harald into confraternity with the community , and although Cnut could simply have given them Harald 's name , it is possible that he was in England in 1016 , as Thietmar says , remained with Cnut , went to Canterbury , and returned to Denmark with part of the fleet after the payment of 1018 .
30 If he had not met Sara Monroe and seen the hostility in her eyes , it is possible that he might still have refused the legacy , inconvenient though it would have been .
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